Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
In 2010 we have managed to bring to the board and verify over 400 porn stars and models for your pleasure. However, it's pretty damned hard to convince them to stay around when some members of this board somehow feel entitled and insist on being childish, rude, petty, and harass them consistantly.
It's become worse over the last 6 months and I've finally reached my limit with how people choose to treat our guests. Yes, the girls are our GUESTS.
Not one of them has to be here. I've had to convince several of them to try it out and it's pretty embarassing when members turn on them like a pack of wild hyenas. When they ask me what the point is in posting here when they're yelled at, put down, and consistantly told they're worthless, what can I say? It's hard to disagree.
So at this point, here's my response to this trend that has been unfolding around here...
- If you can not contain yourself and you're rude to an OCSM, you will get a 9 point, non-expiring infraction that will temporarily ban you for 2 weeks.
- What's considered rude? Read this.
In a nutshell, it's OK to disagree with an OCSM. It's perfectly acceptable to state your opinion. But it's all in how you do it. They don't want to talk about something, leave it the heck alone!
- If you see people being rude to an OCSM, report it! Use the
on the offending post so the mods and admin can see it and deal with it.
- If an OCSM "flames" you first, report the post. Don't respond to her and report the post.
I expect that the people who need to read this won't, but I'm hoping that the lot of you that do read it can help us get this nasty trend under control.
Thanks for your help!
It's become worse over the last 6 months and I've finally reached my limit with how people choose to treat our guests. Yes, the girls are our GUESTS.
Not one of them has to be here. I've had to convince several of them to try it out and it's pretty embarassing when members turn on them like a pack of wild hyenas. When they ask me what the point is in posting here when they're yelled at, put down, and consistantly told they're worthless, what can I say? It's hard to disagree.
So at this point, here's my response to this trend that has been unfolding around here...
- If you can not contain yourself and you're rude to an OCSM, you will get a 9 point, non-expiring infraction that will temporarily ban you for 2 weeks.
- What's considered rude? Read this.
In a nutshell, it's OK to disagree with an OCSM. It's perfectly acceptable to state your opinion. But it's all in how you do it. They don't want to talk about something, leave it the heck alone!
- If you see people being rude to an OCSM, report it! Use the

- If an OCSM "flames" you first, report the post. Don't respond to her and report the post.
I expect that the people who need to read this won't, but I'm hoping that the lot of you that do read it can help us get this nasty trend under control.
Thanks for your help!