Enema prior to anal sex

I have some questions on using the enema for increasing hygiene on anal sex. I would like to know which liquid should be used (e.g. warm water, warm water + soap, salty warm water etc.), how much liquid should approximately be used (like half a liter, more then a liter...) and how many repetitions should be normally done to assure sufficient cleanliness.

Moreover, how frequently can it be done (two or three times a week would do in my case) and are there any side effects, such as disturbed bacterial structure or some other things that could backfire on a long run.
If you use a mixture of Drano and Ajax, you should be good to go. :thumbsup:
All I need is one serious post ;) :D

{Looks through pile of books and papers and other random crap on desk}

Sorry, Jerry, I can't seem to find any of those. I'll keep looking, though. If I find one I'll let you know. :hatsoff:
i know that some people use mineral water (um, still, not sparkling for sure, room temperature or slightly warmer), put the rim of the bottle to their butt (or just inside if you can), and squeeze the water in. hold the water in as long as you can, and then get rid of it like you're pooping. repeat this until the water comes out clear.

the real issue is to make sure you've moved your bowels before you start.

i've never done this, can't tell you how well it works, but whatever floats your boat.
Why do you want to know? I fear an obvious answer, but ive never heard of anyone going to this much trouble.
It is not un uncommon practice. Two kinds of people do it. The first is quite obvious since it is a forum on pornography. The second reason is that many Asian influences do in fact promote it for the purposes of cleaning the body of toxins. The information I have found from both sources are very different, since the first group advises to do this every time prior to anal sex for hygiene, while the other one does it once or twice per year, but in a different way. They suggest using different kinds of liquids (some even mixing water with small amounts of urin which is completely absurd), techniques, repetitions, water content and all.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Chef would know!

Where is Chef when you need him?
I was afraid tubgirl would make an appearance in this thread. :(

@op: sorry, I have no idea on how to do it.
My missus goes through three bottles of room temperature orange juice every day to flush her ass out. It's costing me a small fortune but she's practically immune to scurvy.

I wonder what odds you could get on that being someone of Japanese decent?

You cant really tell from that angle her face is blocked by something :dunno:


Closed Account
I wonder what odds you could get on that being someone of Japanese decent?

You cant really tell from that angle her face is blocked by something :dunno:
Her pixelated poontang is all the proof I need that she's of Japanese descent. Who else would censor her cunnet but leave her geysering arsehole? That's right.
Oglero :eek:
Funny shit on this post - "pardon the pun" :rofl: Ask a doctor MrJerry, they'll know about long term effects of repeated enemas (3 times a week seems excessive, anal sex is great but flushing 3 times a week is too much I would think - could potentially fuck up intestinal flora).

Oh, and I'd put my money on "she's japanese" - twisted people...

I've done anal sex on a couple of girls, no enema I belive, and I'm healthy as a whisle. For a lot of it I would also try to make it more hygenic though...