Enema prior to anal sex

Myself and my GF when we are having a bottom session both have enemas. We use a specially selected shower head thingy that fits on the shower pipe. Warm water up the hindu cush and watch your doings go down the plughole. Make sure you dont overfil yourself or you may go pop.
When her ass is clean we get to do A2M and A2P so its worth any squeamishness.
I highly recommend an enema. I was trying to play pornstar with my wife once and just stuck it in there, then when I was done pulled out a fudgsicle. Disgusting. The other thing I recommend is stay out.
My missus goes through three bottles of room temperature orange juice every day to flush her ass out. It's costing me a small fortune but she's practically immune to scurvy.

Damn. That is disgusting. To each his own.
Damn. That is disgusting. To each his own.

No. Not "to each his own". People who enjoy that stuff should be outed and ridiculed like the future child molesters they obviously are.

Hopefully as a result the vast majority of the people who are aroused by this will kill themselves out of shame and the world will be a better place because of it.
An experienced woman knows when she should not have anal sex. As for the enema, most homemade recipes use one to two quarts of water. The ingredients can range from salt to fruit. Google it and I'm sure you can find a simple recipe. As long as the girl is clean you should be okay without the enema. If you're getting some strange, I would recommend a condom.