
i have the program and it is running, but im am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to use it, which sux cuz i found lots of good vids to download, i hope someone can help me!
This is almost a question of religion, but I prefer overnet to emule, so I recommend that instead.

It takes the same links as emule, just copy the link you found and paste it into overnet by right-clicking.
ok but wut r u talking about with the copying links, is that only for overnet, or emule also?
i was confused by emule when u have 2 choose your server, is that the links ur talkin about?:confused: :confused: :confused:
OK, I'll explain the link-bit. On certain websites (like shareconnector) you can find links to files available on Emule and/or Overnet. This is something you can do instead of using the "search" function and I prefer to get files this way, as the probability of getting the correct movie is higher (there are plenty of fake files).

With Overnet you don't have to worry about choosing server, and my experience is that files will start downloading faster on overnet than on emule.

For finding links (to files) check out the forum at shareconnector.com.
a little while, but once they starts is it fast?, a few started but were only like 0.3kbps so...