Emily Bloom - AKA: Anne T, Emily, Tanya

Still, the Emily's website is up and works fine with Firefox 31 under XP.
If necessary, use a recent portable version if you do not want to upgrade your local browser.
I often use this principle as to whether it is a browser problem or if it comes from other things.
Alternatively, go through a free proxy. This also can solving some problems of operation depending on the problem.


Firefox 31 screenshot, the 2016-01-14, 06H48 from France ;)
@ mysterio_x
My PC is not powerful enough to install such OS.
Vista at most! I plan to change it to a Macintosh.
But that is not my priority at the moment!
Nevertheless my PC works fine for my Adobe Graphic Suite.
He asks only slightly more RAM with internet became very greedy in resource today ! :facepalm:
