Emily Bloom - AKA: Anne T, Emily, Tanya

I think the opening of its website was a great scam. For now, it still does not work, at least on my side, in France, it remains inaccessible. I urge him to explain so as not to be banned from the web by Internet users. If this is a scam, too bad for those who have believed it! :dunno:


If anyone has information on this issue, he speaks! :suspicious:

"THE" website: https://theemilybloom.com/
I take back what I said about Emily's website:
The site is not a scam and it works!


Firefox under Microsoft XP, the 25-12-2015 17H45 from France. :)

However, problems of SSL (https) seem impossible to be treated with versions of Chrome or Iron browsers.
The only browser that is able to access it, by accepting this slight configuration problem is Firefox.
In addition, the OS does not seem to be affected, especially XP, some emphasize the problems with the Emily site.

Happy Christmas to all ! ;)
Emily had a live chat and show on MyFreeCams last night


She answered many questions... concerning her website, she is experiencing many typical start up problems whether they be setting up payment methods, technical issues and attracting the right type of models... all the paperwork and legalities involved in starting a business.

While getting the site running is causing her numerous headaches she strikes me as very competent and driven to make it succeed... and she was very patient with the several hundred fans in "Public" chat and their silly questions. If you purchase credits on MyFreeCams and allot them to Emily she will do a private cam show for you... sort of like an online strip club.

My impression is she is sincere about making her own media and site and is just going through some early growing pains with the experience... but eventually she will deliver some top notch product.
I'm OK! Emi is sincere, I have no doubt about it. I had only a bad presentiment. Before the initiation of its website, I came to see me sign in the time remaining. Then the day came, no way to connect to it other than Firefox, which seems to solve part of the problem. It's going to a more current version of Iron (core Chrome) I had a more specific error message about SSL and so I looked on the forums regarding this error line that returned me my browser. It would have been good that Emily clearly informs on Twitter that some teething problems posed him problems. So I corrected my comment so quickly that some do not rave too much because I have not been the only one who had that kind of problem. The language barrier as well as language and other onomatopoeia contractions do not facilitate an understanding of things and I remain a donkey in English.

In French, to avoid misunderstanding: "Je suis OK ! Emi' est sincère, je n'ai plus aucun doute à ce sujet. J'avais eu seulement un mauvais préssentiment. Avant la mise en route de son site web, j'arrivai à m'y connecter pour y voir le délai restant. Puis, le jour venu, pas moyen de m'y connecter autre qu'avec Firefox qui semble résoudre une partie du problème. C'est en passant à une version plus actuelle de Iron (core Chrome) que j'ai eu un message d'erreur plus spécifique concernant le protocole SSL et j'ai donc regardé sur les forums concernant cette ligne d'erreur que me retournait mon navigateur. Il aurait été bon qu'Emily informe clairement sur Twitter que quelques soucis de démarrage lui posaient des problèmes. J'ai donc corrigé au plus vite mon commentaire afin que certains ne délirent pas trop car je n'ai pas été le seul à avoir eu ce genre de problème. La barrière de la langue ainsi que les contractions de langue et autres onomatopées ne facilite pas non plus la compréhension des chose et je demeure un âne en anglais."

Traduction by GoogleTranslate. He is my teacher 'language ... :dunno: