Egyptian authorities investigating porn video filmed by tourists at Pyramids and Sphinx

Egyptian authorities investigating pornographic video filmed by tourists at the site of Giza pyramids and Sphinx*

By Darren Boyle for MailOnline14:44 06 Mar 2015, updated 11:50 07 Mar 2015

Egyptian authorites have launched an investigation after a European porn star filmed a graphic movie while visiting the pyramids.*

The porn star flashes parts of her body repeatedly while on a coach trip to the tourist destination.*

Speaking to the camera, the woman called Aurita complains about the views. **

Driving past the pyramids, the 'actress' claims 'this f****** sucks. What is there to look at?'

'It really sucks, even our resorts are better.'

Next, she holds up a an ornamental cat which came from a souvenir stall.
She told the camera man: 'First he wanted ten bucks. I told him I won't buy it. I said I know where to get them for three bucks. Then he agreed three bucks'.

Once out at the pyramids, she points to one in the distance and said: 'Look, it's unfinished.'

lol @ "it's not finished."
This is absolutely scandalous, $10 for an ornamental cat?

So the Egyptians are launching a probe into this porn video. I'm launching my own probe.


Closed Account
So instead of Walk like an Egyptian....


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
So instead of Walk like an Egyptian....



FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I like the title of this thread. Egyptian authorities investigating porn video.

I fucking bet. The same way I "investigate" the ones I watch.
I've gotta see this video now. Of course for her tits but also for the comedic value. She's viewing one of the Seven Wonders of the world and she's like "This fuckin' sucks."
Then she low-balls a poor souvenir vendor who's just trying to feed his family. Then she tells some random egyptian guy "No, I don't want to ride your camel."

lol she's like the worst tourist ever. Or maybe the best.