dungeons and dragons (D&D) anyone?

To be fair although I said the new edition might be coming out in 2013, I've heard my DM (who seems to know a lot more than me, and reads a lot more articles) say that 5ed will not be released for around 4 or 5 years.
Yeah I know people get tired of edition wars. Its like having a massive arguement about whether someone prefers mature cheddar or regular cheddar. Everyone in the world agrees they are both cheeses, and people will eat what they want. There is always a counter arguement, depending how far you feel about something.
I guess this is the problem, that with another edition there will be even more divide. As we see there are people who refuse to play 4ed, and people that do not have the time for 3rd edition.

io9 said:
And the edition wars are a serious problem for gamers, as RPGS are social games. You need a group to play, and if this girl prefers 2nd Edition, this guy only plays 3rd and those two dudes are only into Pathfinder, none of them get to play.*

I am less interested in 5ed. In my eyes, it will be easy to find someone to play 5ed with. This is the REAL problem for me. In the end of the day I can play the best of the best or the worst of the worst games, but unless somebody else is playing that game, then its absolutely useless. I mean do I sit around playing Monopoly on my own?

They might even release 5th edition as two seperate versions. Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. and I hope they keep the artists they have. Its one of my top 10 things about 4ed. And yes I do have a top 10 list of things I dislike about 4ed, but its more like a top 5 list :p

too late. it has begun!

you know my feelings on 4th. it was the first edition i ever played. ive spent the last year learning it, playing it, dming it. i love it.

anything i dont like about something, i change it.

the change only effects the people who knew the old game. and now that 5e is coming out, im already upset. im gonna be playing an old version.

and that is the problem with 4e. its new. and that will be the problem with 5e.

i say, make it all old school looking and they win. make it new and itll be a failure.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Yesterday I bought five more sets of chessex dice and a another dice bag along with a paizo flip mat.

oo very nice! i... actually want another set of dice. i have 2 now. the black with white i got in the red box and my chessex red and black volcano speckled my girl got me for sinterk, i mean christmas. ;)

but i do have my eyes on a smoke set... uhg! the dice euphoria!
oo very nice! i... actually want another set of dice. i have 2 now. the black with white i got in the red box and my chessex red and black volcano speckled my girl got me for sinterk, i mean christmas. ;)

but i do have my eyes on a smoke set... uhg! the dice euphoria!

For some reason I never can get into the speckled dice. Maybe it's because they often have bad contrast with the numbers with at least one color in them. I do have a lot of them from bulk deals from getting pounds of dice before and some of them are alright. The only time I bought a speckled set by itself was when I got a bunch of white and blue speckled d20s when I was first starting to DM a long time ago.

I did get some more orange, yellow, green, and light colored dice because I noticed I didn't have that many of them. That way my players and I can roll multiple dice at once and be able to more easily tell which is for which like with multiple attacks per round.


knows petras secret: she farted.
For some reason I never can get into the speckled dice. Maybe it's because they often have bad contrast with the numbers with at least one color in them. I do have a lot of them from bulk deals from getting pounds of dice before and some of them are alright. The only time I bought a speckled set by itself was when I got a bunch of white and blue speckled d20s when I was first starting to DM a long time ago.

I did get some more orange, yellow, green, and light colored dice because I noticed I didn't have that many of them. That way my players and I can roll multiple dice at once and be able to more easily tell which is for which like with multiple attacks per round.

you know, im the same way. there was never a speckled dice set that i liked. in fact, the only other ones i wanted besides my black with white numbers is the translucent smoke with white numbers ones. i cant find a decent pic of those now... they all look opaque..

much to my surprise, my girl got me these volcano speckled dice. for a second i was like, aw man! but you know what.. they are really cool actually and im glad she went on a limb and surprised me with something i wasnt expecting. in fact, i love these things.

my thoughts are... RAVENLOFT. dont they look like a ravenloft type dice set? ive been planning on running ravenloft for a while now, just trying to get an extra player outside the group.

as you can see, the numbers actually show up really well.
Those don't look too bad and you more or less have a good distribution of color in them. That's always the risk when you don't buy the dice in person (Which for me is almost impossible to do since there is no local game store for me.) that they don't have a good distribution of speckles or swirls or whatever style dice it is and there will be one side with a lot more of one color than the other.

One thing I notice about speckled dice, and maybe it's just completely my imagination, is that they don't bounce as well. Maybe because they are more dense. It helps keep them from rolling off the table, but then again I also like the clickity clack of dice that seem to bounce forever as they go and change in random directions. :1orglaugh


knows petras secret: she farted.
Those don't look too bad and you more or less have a good distribution of color in them. That's always the risk when you don't buy the dice in person (Which for me is almost impossible to do since there is no local game store for me.) that they don't have a good distribution of speckles or swirls or whatever style dice it is and there will be one side with a lot more of one color than the other.

One thing I notice about speckled dice, and maybe it's just completely my imagination, is that they don't bounce as well. Maybe because they are more dense. It helps keep them from rolling off the table, but then again I also like the clickity clack of dice that seem to bounce forever as they go and change in random directions. :1orglaugh

yeah, we have like 1 game store really far away so i have to get most of my stuff online and yeah, its risky. my girl has some of the pink and black chessex gemini dice and they came out pretty awesome. the 20 is all black and the 1 all pink. i admit, her dice are awesome.

as for the bounce.. i havent noticed. but now im gonna look out for it! ive only gotten to use my new ones once.
I went to conception for a half day today, as thats all I could manage after recovering from my throat and dentist. I only regained my ability to talk and swallow without pain today. Loved the larping costume and weapon stall, I dont larp, but some of those weapons and the masks made me want to start a costume! Loved the games I played today and have never played before, will definately want to try them again!

I was a whisker away from throwing down cash for this mask, and some a weapon, probably more, if I had put some frikkin money in my account before hand. I was real strapped for time ya see.
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I think that would have been pretty cool had I did, but unfortunately not, not sure what Petra looks like or even Petras real name, I asked a couple of dutch guys a few questions that might give me a lead, but really didnt want to push it and have some half crazed-half in character forum mod running after me, for some reason or other. Had I planned a bit better I think I would have, but I really wasnt sure if I was going till the last minute (and for a brief moment, I wasnt going to) I didnt want to busy her even more. Although I was mildy content with playing Catan with an amazing hot american.

One of the dutch guys joked that Petra could actually be a man. This also gave me a decent recent to stop looking for Petra ;)


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I think that would have been pretty cool had I did, but unfortunately not, not sure what Petra looks like or even Petras real name, I asked a couple of dutch guys a few questions that might give me a lead, but really didnt want to push it and have some half crazed-half in character forum mod running after me, for some reason or other. Had I planned a bit better I think I would have, but I really wasnt sure if I was going till the last minute (and for a brief moment, I wasnt going to) I didnt want to busy her even more. Although I was mildy content with playing Catan with an amazing hot american.

One of the dutch guys joked that Petra could actually be a man. This also gave me a decent recent to stop looking for Petra ;)

I was actually out sight seeing with my bff from the states on Saturday. Ended up going to the stone henge and bath. ;-)

I know all the dutch guys. Lord knows what they told you, depending on which you talked to. LOL


knows petras secret: she farted.
I was actually out sight seeing with my bff from the states on Saturday. Ended up going to the stone henge and bath. ;-)

I know all the dutch guys. Lord knows what they told you, depending on which you talked to. LOL

ooo, this is getting juicy!

also.......... dont hold out on details! how was everything!?!?


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
ooo, this is getting juicy!

also.......... dont hold out on details! how was everything!?!?

I got home at 2am and just got up, so I'll do a more in depth list later.

However, I only played in 3 games. All the Arkham Horror board game since my best friend was over from the states and I spent most of my time playing with her. Everytime I got up to the game hall to try to sign up for something, the sheets were full and aside from Arkham, I just wasn't up for running anything (the eternal drunk/hangover cycle and by Friday my stomach said ENOUGH). One guy in my cottage managed to hit all the slots, another all but 1 or 2, and my dutch friends managed to hit almost all as well.

Needless to say, I think fun was had by all in that department.

I bought a little card game called For Sale and ended up buying 86 pounds worth of Vampire the Masquerade books from the used book dealer. I actually managed to not buy 1 die from Bob the Diceman this year. Amazing.

Stone Henge sucked. It's way over hyped and wasn't worth the 7.50 to go and get a total of 20 meters close. Bath was fairly cool, except all the houses looking the same wears on you after awhile.

Yesterday, since we were booted from the site at 10am we drove onto to Dover and ended up in Canterbury, which is about 20 minutes away. Unfortunately, we managed to run into a funeral for a local celeb so we could only visit the crypt of the cathedral vs. go inside, but there's always next year. And my lord it'll be worth getting in there if the crypt and outer grounds was any sign of what inside looks like. It was funny, there were some tombs you could get right up next too that were completely worn down from all the tourists and pilgrims over the hundreds of years touching it. Oh, and they had some pillars that are being stored in the crypt from around 600 AD. You never feel as humble as when you stand next to something almost 2000 years old. I've seen some old stuff in the 6 years overseas, but when you're next to something THAT old, or IN something old, yea. We Americans really have no clue.


knows petras secret: she farted.
dude so awesome!

you know what i did while you were gone? had fucking pneumonia. still got it.

and my tire blew. and now im waiting for someone to help me at 3am, since i cant get the last 2 nuts off.

i wanna be drunk and look at crypts too!
dude so awesome!

you know what i did while you were gone? had fucking pneumonia. still got it.

and my tire blew. and now im waiting for someone to help me at 3am, since i cant get the last 2 nuts off.

i wanna be drunk and look at crypts too!

I was sick over the weekend as well.

I got to admit that 86 pounds of books is a good amount to tote around. :1orglaugh
So did you force Anders to buy some dice from Bob the Diceman?
I purchased one thing that weekend. One D20 (so sad really) and one game ticket ( i guess that counts as two, but lets not get fussy here, cus someone might call it 2.5 )

Also Squallumz, how did finding a group to play with on meetup.com go?


knows petras secret: she farted.
Also Squallumz, how did finding a group to play with on meetup.com go?

oh yeah, yes, i ended up finding a rather nice meetup group right in my area. all very nice people. we meet together 3 or 4 times for meet and greets, and even played a rather good d&d 4e game once.

ive missed my chances to play magic with em and a they also played a couple of other games like castles and crusades once and they do pathfinder all the time but i never can make a lot of them due to work or just too far a location. i dont know why they do meetups so fucking early in the day sometimes. i would think gaming is more of a afternoon/evening thing myself.

and im not interested in pathfinder either, some of them do that weekly i think.

they dont do too much though, but i am planing on running my own steady game of ravenloft in 4e soon. i am looking for another person to join in to spice things up and have one for sure interested but hes my third choice. im waiting on the other 2 to figure out their schedules while im studying ravenloft. its gonna take me awhile to work it all out anyway.

definitely happy i met them though. for someone as antisocial as myself, it was a good experience for me.