ooo, this is getting juicy!
also.......... dont hold out on details! how was everything!?!?
I got home at 2am and just got up, so I'll do a more in depth list later.
However, I only played in 3 games. All the Arkham Horror board game since my best friend was over from the states and I spent most of my time playing with her. Everytime I got up to the game hall to try to sign up for something, the sheets were full and aside from Arkham, I just wasn't up for running anything (the eternal drunk/hangover cycle and by Friday my stomach said ENOUGH). One guy in my cottage managed to hit all the slots, another all but 1 or 2, and my dutch friends managed to hit almost all as well.
Needless to say, I think fun was had by all in that department.
I bought a little card game called For Sale and ended up buying 86 pounds worth of Vampire the Masquerade books from the used book dealer. I actually managed to not buy 1 die from Bob the Diceman this year. Amazing.
Stone Henge sucked. It's way over hyped and wasn't worth the 7.50 to go and get a total of 20 meters close. Bath was fairly cool, except all the houses looking the same wears on you after awhile.
Yesterday, since we were booted from the site at 10am we drove onto to Dover and ended up in Canterbury, which is about 20 minutes away. Unfortunately, we managed to run into a funeral for a local celeb so we could only visit the crypt of the cathedral vs. go inside, but there's always next year. And my lord it'll be worth getting in there if the crypt and outer grounds was any sign of what inside looks like. It was funny, there were some tombs you could get right up next too that were completely worn down from all the tourists and pilgrims over the hundreds of years touching it. Oh, and they had some pillars that are being stored in the crypt from around 600 AD. You never feel as humble as when you stand next to something almost 2000 years old. I've seen some old stuff in the 6 years overseas, but when you're next to something THAT old, or IN something old, yea. We Americans really have no clue.