Douche Bag: A Poll

How should we punish the Stadium Dirty Bomb Asshole?

  • Death by Firing Squad, Shooters picked from a lottery of interested participants

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Death by Lethal Injection, let's keep this humane

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Life in Prison, with forced salad tossings every day at noon

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • 20 years in Prison. He's a threat but c'mon he made a mistake

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Chop off his hands and chain him to a computer with no way of typing into it, for life

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • 1 Year in prison, compromising national security is no big deal

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Let him off, he was probably a victim of abuse when he was younger

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Closed Account
There's too many of you voting for 1 year. Pot dealers get more than one year. So you bedwetters are saying that selling marijuana is a more punishable crime than comprising the security of an entire nation?

No wonder this country is so fucked up. :mad:

I agree I think one year is way to little, I also agree that life or death to much. A middle ground must be found and soon. These are crimes, ones that the perpetrators are all knowing of the consequences. As I feel anyone over ten knows right from wrong in this type thing and that in this day and time of all times its just not right to do such a thing.

Which once again brings up the school bomb "treats" being pulled so much lately to get out of school for the day. I think any little "scamp" that pulls one of these should be dealt with harshly. Sorry, but I do. Being a youth shouldn't give anyone "free gratis" to say oops I didn't know.:dunno: silly, silly me. I call BS.

These things are stressful as well as costly these days, in both instances. Parents having to leave work, go pick them up. Many missing a days pay, to say nothing of innocents missing a days education. All this for a silly joke? As well as on the larger scale of Homeland Security costs and stress for all involved.

Again its all to costly and in no way funny under any circumstance. Small scale or large. Changes have to start somewhere and soon to I feel. Just IMHO of course.



what the fuck you lookin at?
Death by Firing Squad, Shooters picked from a lottery of interested participants. Was my choice, I'll sign up!
How about forced induction, send him to Iraq. Bring a soldier home.

just what kingfisher said pack your bags and head out ,fight for the freedom that you take for granted ............
:2 cents:
For messing with the NFL, his punishment also should include a whole game of him being tackled by Roy Williams from the Dallas Cowboys.
A year to 5 years jail time.

Peter: The options for your poll do't really stagger well. Three of the choices are somewhat redundant.... which is why many folks might be choosing the "1 year" option.

I didn't vote on the poll.

Where are the first ammendment people on this one?
BNF, you might find this article somewhat relevent:

If political discourse is to rally public opinion and challenge conventional thinking, it cannot be subdued. Nor may we saddle political speakers with implications their words do not literally convey but are later "discovered" by judges and juries with the benefit of hindsight and by reference to facts over which the speaker has no control.3

Violence is not a protected value. Nor is a true threat of violence with intent to intimidate. [Defendant] may have been staking out a position for debate when it merely advocated violence ... or applauded it.... Likewise, when it created ... [an Internet Website] in the abstract, because the First Amendment does not preclude calling people demeaning or inflammatory names, or threatening social ostracism or vilification to advocate a political position. [But the defendant's conduct in publishing "wanted posters" like those that proceeded the murders of doctors in the recent past and a "score card" of the murders of doctors on its Website] was not staking out a position of debate but of a threatened demise.4
(emphases mine)

Full article

The gist anyway is that the U.S. Supreme Court has held that inciting others to break the law may be punished only in very narrow circumstances; even flatly advocating a violation of law is protected under the First Amendment unless it is intended and likely to produce imminent lawless action.



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm gonna call stupidity on our government for this one. 100 guys spending 3 days on one guy who posted on a msg board? Sheeeeiit..

I never, NEVER bought into this whole newfound security because of 9/11 bullsh!t.. but to spend government money on a manhunt for ONE guy's lil message?!? Any conception of security that I have is.. just.. blown away by that. The very notion of ANY-ONE-PERSON..lets say, oh.. Kevin Mitnick.. sitting around for 3 days browsing server logs, archives..etc. is just F'ing ridiculous.

I think the 100 guys should be fired. Better yet.. keep them ON.. but reduce their pay by frickin' HALF! At the least! This guy is a miracle. Because his mistake.. exposes the utter inadequate nonsense that is our national defense. You cant win against an idea. Especially entire nations of ideas. A recent poll said 86% of Americans dont believe the government's explanation of 9/11. Considering how much time has went by.. how much money has been spent.. and how many thousands we've killed and yet.. look, no attacks on our cities. No retorts. I'm calling BS. I'm agreeing with the makers of Loose Change, here. We have hundreds of mexicans crossing our borders every day.. we could have a hundred actual, trained.. middle eastern boys crossing our border and parking a van outside any given building.. and noone would know until.. lets guess THREE days later!

I'm p!ssed in a totally different way from Petey G on this one. I dont think the government should waste more than a bullet on the guy. I think.. that even IF it was a lie.. and how could that be? Because: Its the worst cover story you could want. There are ruses used to show vulnerability, but showcasing it 5 years after the event is akin to admitting little progress save for adding a new number spot to our national debt lightboard.
not to sound like a asshole. but i think he should get life in prison. death for him is the easy way out. there is real assholes out there trying to kill people. and he decides to scare people. and make the cops and gov search for a bomb that wasnt there. when a another asshole could be doing the same the some where else. and do it for reel because he pulled this crap. he know what he did was doing was wrong. and still did it. and he knows what could happen if he did. so he deserves what will happen next to himself.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Cant say I do. Btw, I'm going to snipe you, Fox. I'll wipe it off the monitor when I'm spent, tho. Die infidel. Di.. huh, where's the windex..
I voted for the first option, but I would have opted for shooting him in the head with a barett m82a1 sniping rifle with explosive ammunition. A terrorist threat is a terrorist wether it is in the internet or net. The other solution is to chop his head with an axe. Sorry but I have zero feelings for people who make terrorist threats.
I think it's funny that you always go into such details on the weaponry and methods of execution or retribution that you wish upon the "bad guys". I think it's interesting, almost amusing, that you know exactly which type of knife you would use to slash the face of a thief that was trying to rob you, and that you know exactly which kind of gun and ammunition you would use to kill a fake terrorist. It is very "Georges", one of the quirks about your personality. In my imagination, you read gun magazines and love action movies and you have a huge weapons collection. Am I right? :)

Sorry for the offtopic musings. They are not meant as criticism I assure you, just analysis.

I am a fan of weaponry and you can like porn too. Does scum desserve to be spared? Not in my opinion.
I know the treatment that I think is adequate to each case. Yes I have been reading guns and military magazines since an early age. I also started to practise shooting since an early age and from an age of 9 to 19 my uncle used to pay for me my International NRA membership. About my weapons collections it is safely locked at my uncle's home in the USA. It is not important wether it is big or not. In France, I would have been put in jail if I imported a gun from the USA. What is important is that I am not afraid to fight someone who either wants to steal my property or endangers the life of one my friends or family members. If you have seen "Deathwish" with Charles Bronson, you will perhaps understand my way of thinking.

have a nice day




Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Note to self if destruction of society happens: Avoid Location: Biggie Boobies and Cum Guzzling Sluts.. as Georges probably has a decent arsenal protecting has stash.

P.S. Mapquest not showing Biggie Boobies and Cum Guzzling Sluts.. must be careful about that wily Georges.
I think it's interesting, almost amusing, that you know exactly which type of knife you would use to slash the face of a thief that was trying to rob you, and that you know exactly which kind of gun and ammunition you would use to kill a fake terrorist. It is very "Georges", one of the quirks about your personality. In my imagination, you read gun magazines and love action movies and you have a huge weapons collection. Am I right? :)

Sorry for the offtopic musings. They are not meant as criticism I assure you, just analysis.
Whilst I'm not as "observant" and "enthusiastic" about death and killing [even rouge 'scum' ] as Georges - and I am by no means speaking for or defending him:-

I resent and disagree with your implications and conclusions about "huge weapons collection" and "gun magazines".

I presently own 4 rifles, 1 sub-machine gun and 3 handguns.
All of them are WWII/Vietnam era vintage.
In excellent service and operating condition.

I subscribe to a gun magazine and actually, I'm quite pleased to note that my kids have started showing an interest in this field. Just last week I stripped down my Garand and showed my son the ins and outs. My daughter seems to fancy the Tokarev handgun.

If pressed - yes, I know of the many ways to effectively kill or extinguish life: from artillery and airstrikes to unarmed combat. It's not something I particularly relish and my job these days - thankfully - is quite the opposite.

But I disagree - mightily - with your notion that anyone who owns a weapon or knows how to use it and maybe subscribes to a gun/weaponry publication is some kind of fanatic.

Georges obviously feels strongly about criminals and whilst I don't share his enthusiasm nor advocate for "disposing of scum" in the manner he vividly describes - I can perhaps understand the source of his hatred.

Ditto. A year's a fucking long time with "3 hots & a cot" and no freedom. He'll lose his job, probably his car and house/apartment, and there will be social/romantic/family casualties as well as a result of his stupidity.

The poll's a bit misleading, though. He didn't jeopardize national security by the hoax. Actually he tested the system (but cost a bunch of tax dollars in the process). I'd frankly rather see my tax dollars being spent on exercises to test the anti-terror readiness than I would seeing farmers in Kansas being paid a few million dollars a year to NOT grow any wheat or crops. I never understood that...the U.S. government says "We're going to have more food than we can even sell, consume, or export for humanitarian aid this year, so rather than take measures to save it in reserves or donate it anyway, we'll just pay farmers to NOT farm." Idiocy.

That's another topic altogether, though. lol :cool:

dave_rhino said:
I chose 1 year in prison. It was a cuntish thing to do, but i don't think he deserves death...
Alright softies. While he may have tested the system, he diverted major resources away from true threats of national security. But the real problem is he put the attendance and the solvency of the National Football League at risk, and that my friends could have been a tragedy.

And as for the guns, well :georges: