Douche Bag: A Poll

How should we punish the Stadium Dirty Bomb Asshole?

  • Death by Firing Squad, Shooters picked from a lottery of interested participants

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Death by Lethal Injection, let's keep this humane

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Life in Prison, with forced salad tossings every day at noon

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • 20 years in Prison. He's a threat but c'mon he made a mistake

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Chop off his hands and chain him to a computer with no way of typing into it, for life

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • 1 Year in prison, compromising national security is no big deal

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Let him off, he was probably a victim of abuse when he was younger

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dude now people hate people who are or some what into guns. WTF, i like movies where shit gets blown up. and evil gets its ass kicked. and now im evil. Guns, knives,bombs, and any thing else that can kill are only bad when in the hands of Bad people.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!
Just now, the news mentioned a guy late for his plane, that called in a bomb threat hoping that would delay it long enough for him to make the flight.


Closed Account
Ditto. A year's a fucking long time with "3 hots & a cot" and no freedom. He'll lose his job, probably his car and house/apartment, and there will be social/romantic/family casualties as well as a result of his stupidity.

The poll's a bit misleading, though. He didn't jeopardize national security by the hoax. Actually he tested the system (but cost a bunch of tax dollars in the process). I'd frankly rather see my tax dollars being spent on exercises to test the anti-terror readiness than I would seeing farmers in Kansas being paid a few million dollars a year to NOT grow any wheat or crops. I never understood that...the U.S. government says "We're going to have more food than we can even sell, consume, or export for humanitarian aid this year, so rather than take measures to save it in reserves or donate it anyway, we'll just pay farmers to NOT farm." Idiocy.

That's another topic altogether, though. lol :cool:

I need to address a few parts of your post. Just IMHO of course. The first part I highlighted is so off base I feel. A year is not nearly enough. Hell, I could smack my neighbor next door and get that much time and that bitch deserves it. Or could have struck the temper tantrum throwing minor (not a little child but minor none the less) back that hit me across the back of my knees some years ago with a tree limb and gotten no less than ten. This man was a full grown adult that knew better, did this knowing there would be consequences. Sorry I can't see that as punishment.

Secondly, he did I feel jeopardize national security in a big way. I personally feel that while every dollar indeed does count. Every man or woman assigned to find and arrest him, every single moment spent chasing down the piece of work counts too. Each being a moment these "highly trained" personnel should/could have been spending on something more urgent. Nothing could be left to assumption, "a ass on the net" so lets stop the investigation? No they had to follow up, smart trained minds wasted for all those man hours? Do you realize how much went into totally "ruling " it as a hoax? No, I am sorry the severity of this crime cannot be softened in my eyes. While I in no way agree with killing him or any other strong arm tactics of many of the other posts. I do think a year is laughable.

I certainly wouldn't rather my money be wasted on that than our absurd farming policy. I don't want it wasted on anything. That is like saying if raped, I'd rather be raped by one dirty homeless man, than a frat house full of clean college men. I would simply rather NOT be raped. Neither appeals to me. ;)

All IMHO of course.

Note to self if destruction of society happens: Avoid Location: Biggie Boobies and Cum Guzzling Sluts.. as Georges probably has a decent arsenal protecting has stash.

P.S. Mapquest not showing Biggie Boobies and Cum Guzzling Sluts.. must be careful about that wily Georges.

hhahahha:1orglaugh No need to be afraid of me:) With people that are cool I am cool and no I am not wily. Nice funny post tough;)
When did I ever say that :) You just have me wrong. I certainly did come to a conclusion that Georges knew weapons and had a big collection, because he is always so specific about the kind of weapons he'd use or nominate to be used on certain people or in certain situations. When did I ever say that made him a fanatic? He's no fanatic, there are millions of people into weapons, that's why those magazines sell so well. There weren't meant to be any implications further than that. And I was right with my assumption, I just wanted to ask about it, is that a big deal? I know how to use a gun too, I think it's the law that lets Americans own guns that is wrong, not Georges or other gun enthusiasts.

In any case, I'm with the school of thought that I am sick to death of this war on terror and this McCarthy esque branding of terrorists and sensationalising of all things related... I think it's time to shift our focus onto the environment, onto poverty, onto education, onto welfare, onto healthcare, and onto international relations.


You never cease to amaze me:rolleyes: There is no problem with owning weapons. It is like owning muscle cars or vintage rolex or vintage omega watches. Some people like nicely crafted objects, it is not uncommon that very often car collectors are watch as well as car collectors. Do you have a problem with someone who goes to the range and shoots with his gun just for fun?
The problem as I said it here before is illegal and stolen weapons that belong to gang members and who often create moretrouble than anything else.
You think that you live in "mccarthyesque" period??? You are truely out of your mind. As I said it to you before you will be either jailed or put in a disciplinarian camp.
A terrrorist is a terrorist and by consequence a scumbag, banalizing terrorism like any leftist/far leftist politician does, is not the solution to solve the real problems. And don't you think many people are overbored of the irresponsible/immature/sickening behaviour some leftist/far leftist european leaders had to solve problems? The UN is a joke, about education, you can't change a guy who grew up in the difficult or ghetto neighboorhood easily, you need to have strenght and lots of patience to do it and about international relations, you shouldn't think everything is nice and pink. If so you are naive.