I've never read so much shite in my life. ROFL!! Drink 8 bottles of coke and die on the spot? LOL! Dissolve teeth and bones? LOL! Some folk will believe anything just because some moron read it on the internet.
First of all, cola drinks are basically just aqueous (water) solutions of sugar and phosphoric acid, not citric acid which was what the original post said.
Coke may have a pH of about 3, although I've not tested it, but stomach acid has a pH of 1 and we seem to be doing ok carrying that around with us.
Know what else has a pH of about 3? Apples!! Some orange juices too. Cranberry juice, which is supposed to be very good for you, has a pH of around 2.
The reason coke is bad for your teeth is because of all the sugar in it, which feeds the bacteria on your teeth which then produce corrosive acids. Have a bottle of coke, wait for 2 hours before having anything else sugary and your teeth will be in the same condition they were before you drank the coke.
I dunno...learn some science FFS!