Police State USA !! :eek:
All opinions / viewpoints should be welcome. IMO.
Police State USA !! :eek:
All opinions / viewpoints should be welcome. IMO.
How do we know he got trigger happy? Do you know everything that happened there? Do you know how big of a fucking knob this guy was being? It has nothing to do with being "police state". Research the whole incident before spewing parroted things like "police state" and "trigger happy"
I somehow doubt this guy was peacefully studying for a philosophy quiz before he got tazed.
they had the guy on the ground, handcuffed, with 3 officers on top of him, and they tazed him........... as I said, trigger freakin happy.How do we know he got trigger happy? Do you know everything that happened there? Do you know how big of a fucking knob this guy was being? It has nothing to do with being "police state". Research the whole incident before spewing parroted things like "police state" and "trigger happy"
So you are against human rights for freedom of speech?
That says alot.
they had the guy on the ground, handcuffed, with 3 officers on top of him, and they tazed him........... as I said, trigger freakin happy.
Freedom of speech... interesting. So the fact that what I was saying was "gather all your facts" means I'm against freedom of speech. How long did this guy rant BEFORE the section of video that we saw? How many times was he asked to hand back the mic and step away BEFORE the clip that was shown. He was asked to leave by the security, and he kept on running his mouth. I don't care what he was saying. He had a right to say it. Of course he did, but there are no doubt rules for that place, that forum, and for that meeting, and he obviously broke them.
So what did he do when he was asked to leave? He refused, resisted, threw a fit, made a scene, and above all else- BROKE THE LAW. Now, once the time had come to pay the piper, and the multiple security guards were trying to get him under control and out of there, did he comply? Apologize? Say it was cool and just leave? No, he continued to thrash about, yelling and throwing a fit. I don't care where you are in the US or in the world- you act like that in a public place, and act that way toward security or police, you're breaking the law.
So they get him to the ground, where ON FUCKING VIDEO they are trying to get him under control and in handcuffs(he was NOT in the cuffs when they tazed him). I gather neither of you two has ever had to do this with someone who is fighting and resisting. It's great fun, but at the end of the day, it's going to get done. Would it have been better to have used the old technique, and beat him like a pinata until he gave up? Or how about those lovely pepper sprays, so that the crowd around him could all burn for an hour or so? The taser is not permanent damage, and it's designed to do one thing- gain compliance.
From what I saw of the video, this guy had plenty of chances to calm down, shut up, and just leave peacefully. Instead, he continued to escalate. It's not about quelling freedom of speech- he had a chance to talk from what it looks like. Obviously, he didn't get an answer he liked. It's also not being trigger happy- it's called enforcement. Don't want to get tazed? Don't fight with security officers.
My main point, gentlemen, was know all the facts. From that clip, there's no way to do that, so what I was saying was to try not to just throw stuff out there like "police state" and "trigger happy". How does subduing a hostile, violent subject using a tazer equate to either of those?
security guards are not cops, they are civilians. they have exactly the same rules of conduct to follow (read:laws) as everyone else. everyone has the right to be and say whatever they want to (with the exception of expressing intent to commit a crime) in a public place. In a private place, the owner has the right to refuse anyone admitance for any reason, including because someone said something that they did not like. If a person is asked to leave and refuses or enters without permission, then the owner (or anyone such as a security personal acting under orders of the owner) can call the police and the police will take the person away and possibley charge them with a crime such as trespassing, public disturbance, etc. anyone has the right to defend themselves if they are attacked. different states have different laws about what kind of weapons security personel can have. I know here that security personel are not allowed to carry a firearm without special documents while performing thier job duties, even though they are allowed to have them as a civilian off-duty without such documents.
security guards are just that, they guard an area to keep it secure. their job is to monitor to see if crimes may be commited. they are not law enforcement officers. they don't have the right to enforce the law. they can't arrest people or seize them. if a security guard uses physical force against a suspect to do these things, they are commiting assault. it is against the law for people that aren't law enforcement officers to do the duties of the police and it is against the law for people to inflict or attempt to inflict damages on other people unless they are attacked.
this case will be dismissed, and especially because of the media attention it has attracted, all sorts of lawyers will be jumping at the chance of representing the guy in a law suit, and when the school will lose a lot of money.
Actually, I thought he just didn't know when to quit. I don't think they needed to zap him though.
Aye ! Also - IIRC - Tasers are generally used at approx 15' ranges . . . . Truth or Trash (?) ________________________________
Also Also - Truth or Trash - You'd get the hell shocked out of yourself if you were physically touching said subject at the time of TAZE (?) _________________________________________________________
Best wear linemans' gloves . . . :1orglaugh Ha ha !!
WaRm ReGaRdz
They could of easily controlled him without tasering him. Fuck it's just one guy. These cops, in my opinion, can't do there job properly and just relied on a weapon to take him out.
However the guy should of calmed down. He was only there as a stunt, he's done things like it before if you look at his websites.