She catches you scoping out another female?
I aint talkin about undressin the chick with your eyes for about 5 minutes type scoping out
I mean just one of those quick 1 or 2 second glance and your done type deals
Ya know, if the chick has a nice ass or a pair of emmaculate breasts I am obligated to give it a quick glance
My manly DNA demands it!
To not look would be an affront to my ancestors and every man who has existed since the dawn of time
I mean Zolf checked out this chick while he was with one of his broads for about half a damn second
Next thing ya know, my girl tryin to cut my damn head off right there in the middle of a crowded mall
I mean shit it aint like Zolf went up there and grabbed the girls ass and squeezed it like a stress ball
Just a quick glance and this broad blew up like Hiroshima
It has been scientifically proven that just cuz a man glances at another female doesnt mean he's about to cheat
So how's that fixed marriage working out for you? :1orglaugh Is the Sharia Law strong within the Zolf household? Do you beat her if she doesn't wear her full-body burqua whilst leaving your property without your strict supervision?