Does taking photos of female workmates' butts make me a perv?

Tellion, you're a male. You do what all of us males do. You adore the female butt. Don't ever quit.
Nothing wrong with that, TC. I follow the motto "treat others as you would want to be treated". I'd want members of the opposite sex to take pictures of my butt, so why not the other way around?
Currently looking For Work. ;)

If you work for me, you're an asset, not a liability ! Let me put it another way -
If I were to assume your employment, I would expect you to be conducting nothing other than the duties prescribed, and nothing butt !!:booty: :D

No, I don't have female ass on my mind ! :o
So what, It's my business !
Just do ass I say and nut ass I do ! :nono: :p

LOL :1orglaugh

Actually, funny story: Six months after I started this thread, I was called to a job interview and two years since that, I have to say this is the coolest job I've ever had. The facilities, the money, and of course, the butts! Amazing parade of hot chicks everywhere I look, I mean, just beside me there she is, a smoking hot girl with a tight ass and apparently she loves g-strings (who doesn't) ;)

And yes, I've still taken pictures but right now I'm looking for a better camera since a couple of months I sold the old one so I'm in a break.

Even funnier story, the thread's title doesn't apply anymore, 'cause I don't even have to ask myself if I'm a perv anymore, as a couple of months after I entered my new job, I stumbled upon an online community where they share my same hobby, and compared to those guys, I'm in diapers! but more on that later...

pd: cool, my thread is still alive after more than two years :D
this sounds like something i would do and then feel bad about later. does it make you a perv? i don't think so because if you find her attractive the picture won't do anything your mind wouldn't have ( and added the bells and whistles too). however i would feel bad because then i would feel like i'm just objectifying her....but then again if i find her's and endless loop:rolleyes:. knowing myself i would end up deleting the pic out of guilt .
holy thread bumpage pr3verts :thefinger:thefinger

on the OPs question they've actually started making sounds/lights compulsory on camerfones to stop this sort of thing.
Enjoying womens asses does not make you a perv. You're simply a fan of asses.

However, the manner in which you are enjoying asses, yes, makes you a perv. Why? Because you are taking images of womens bodies, without permission, and likely using it to provide pleasure for yourself. And yes, its illegal. Is it really worth risking your job over? Because you know, one day you're going to snap a shot of one of those women who have eyes on the back of their heads and she ain't going to be too happy lol. Best to just look dude, and not capture. Its similar to recording yourself having sex without letting the girl know...its just wrong.
holy thread bumpage pr3verts :thefinger:thefinger

on the OPs question they've actually started making sounds/lights compulsory on camerfones to stop this sort of thing.

I read something about it, mostly because of an incident in Japan I think. Good thing I used an actual camera :p
Am I a perv for taking photos of you when your sleeping?

You wrote that message at 4:22 a.m. so chances are you could actually find me sleeping at that moment :p Still, if I was sleeping naked when you took the pics, ur not a perv; if I was fully clothed, then you're a psycho :D

J. Friday

Taking a pic of her ass isn't so bad. You're just keeping a concrete image of it rather than relying on your memory.