You're not fucking wrong. Hot is fucking hot, age shouldn't come into it. At the "too old" end of the spectrum, anyway.
I understand the schoolgirl thing. The outfit triggers a psychosexual response where it hits subconsciously held memories of when we were at our peak of pent-up unfulfilled sexual desire and getting boners over girls at school. But it doesn't mean the girl literally has to be barely legal. I get "innocent looking" but there are guys who literally seem to lose interest at 20.... WTF.
I get what you're saying and totally agree.
I understand the appeal of being reminded of a time when sex had a certain "newness" and excitement to it.
Just so creepy when that crosses over into "omg her body looks like she's just finished puberty" territory. If someone is consciously seeking the barely legal look, I just find it so gross. Especially considering a lot of the people who are into it probably have girls in their lives that ARE that age or younger.
I like some bush, hips, scars etc on a sexy woman, myself.
There's not a damn thing wrong with thinking an 18 year old woman happens to be super attractive, but when people ONLY find super young women attractive, there is probably an issue at-hand larger than just chalking it up to preference.
Just makes me think of the same men who catcalled me in the streets from the age of 9+
*skin crawls away*
This is porn, not Seventeen magazine, there's no mistaking who it is marketed for.