My copy of Roger Mellie's Profanisaurus is on permanent loan/steal but I seem to dimly remember that the description of an uncircumcised erect penis is, "Kojak in a roll neck sweater."
I didn't know Kojak had an eye on the top of his head!
My copy of Roger Mellie's Profanisaurus is on permanent loan/steal but I seem to dimly remember that the description of an uncircumcised erect penis is, "Kojak in a roll neck sweater."
That's interesting. Though, "Nazi in a roll neck sweater" would be fairly appropriate as well if you're a fan at all of Christoph Waltz's performance as SS Colonel Hans Landa, "The Jew Hunter" in Inglourious Basterds. :thumbsup:
i simply call it "The Emperor". im italian, was talkin to my buddies about a great lay i had with some chick and my best friend threw it out there. they wouldnt stop jokin about it, so i adopted the name. now, whenever im talking to, or am around a girl they always go
"hey dom! is she gonna meet the emperor?!"
Did you know that the largest virus ever recorded is called the Bradford coccus.
It is around 30 times larger than the rhinovirus that gives us the common cold.
You can read about it in, "13 Things That Don't Make Sense" (Chapter 8) by Michael Brooks.
Back to the silliness.
Carlos Spicy Wiener! :thumbsup:
Yup!Great episode!
I don't have a name for my own. But I call Dirk's Bradford Pontywise.