My cock's been called "Ol' Joe" virtually since it was able to magic up jizz.
I think it started at school when my mates and I had wanking contests. One mate called his pride and joy "Monty" -after Monty Python (geddit?). The rest of us liked the idea and followed suit.
Even so, we had a bit of class even then - you didn't win by cumming first; quantity of spunk and, most importantly, how far you could shoot were what mattered. My mate Mick, with his prize 11-incher shot a hefty load but it normally travelled less than his cock's length. At least that made those of us more moderately endowed, who could shoot two feet or more, feel less envious.:tongue:
Funny thing; I've forgotten some of my mates' names but still remember the names of their cocks.
It would great to hear what names you give your cock or pussy - plus the story behind it.
I think it started at school when my mates and I had wanking contests. One mate called his pride and joy "Monty" -after Monty Python (geddit?). The rest of us liked the idea and followed suit.
Even so, we had a bit of class even then - you didn't win by cumming first; quantity of spunk and, most importantly, how far you could shoot were what mattered. My mate Mick, with his prize 11-incher shot a hefty load but it normally travelled less than his cock's length. At least that made those of us more moderately endowed, who could shoot two feet or more, feel less envious.:tongue:
Funny thing; I've forgotten some of my mates' names but still remember the names of their cocks.
It would great to hear what names you give your cock or pussy - plus the story behind it.