

3D-Printed a Glock to See How Far Homemade Guns Have Come - Aug 25, 2021

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
It's funny how everyone freaks about ghost guns, but no one seems to concerned about the stolen guns criminals get on the street. Or the flood of weapons that come into this country through gangs and cartels. No one worries that a 3 time looser is getting a slapped wrist and probation AGAIN, instead of being locked up for the rest of their useless life, No one makes a big deal about all the people that get murdered every day, one at a time, usually by a criminal with a record. This country doesn't have a gun problem, it has a criminal problem. To many criminals, usually in cities that elect bleeding heart liberal mayor, like to play catch and release with violent little scum bags, who get released on little, or no bond, then go right back out and commit violent crimes. Now I don't see a reason to have a gun made out of plastic, from a 3d printer, nor would it bother me if they figured out a way to make 3d printers incapable of producing guns, but I've never seen one that looks like anything more then a novelty. The gun above wasn't completely 3d printed. The white frame is the only part of that gun that's been made on a 3d printer. I also would like to point out that numerous cities across the country have had gun buy back programs. Every gun gets a free pass. Turn in a gun, get $100. Not one check to see if it was stolen, or used in a murder. How many pieces of criminal evidence have they destroyed in a pathetically misguided delusion of safety? Half the little maggots that turn in a gun, go right back out, and buy a fresh murder weapon. Anyone that truly believes ANYONE in our government sheds one single tear over, or gives the least little shit over a dead child, is sadly mistaken, and clueless to who, and what runs our government. Remember this. The moment the government tells you, that you don't need something, is when you're going to need it the most.


Some high schools have gun clubs, where students can learn to use guns safely.

There should be a federal law that mandates all students, after graduating from high school, have to spend two months in boot camp.
They will learn how to safely use a gun, learn to appreciate the freedoms they take for granted, learn discipline and other practical skills that will help them thru life.
So that they stop being left-wing pussies or right-wing nut-jobs, be more normal and a benefit to society.
After boot camp, they can choose whatever path or career they want to pursue.
Everyone benefits.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Some high schools have gun clubs, where students can learn to use guns safely.

There should be a federal law that mandates all students, after graduating from high school, have to spend two months in boot camp.
They will learn how to safely use a gun, learn to appreciate the freedoms they take for granted, learn discipline and other practical skills that will help them thru life.
So that they stop being left-wing pussies or right-wing nut-jobs, be more normal and a benefit to society.
After boot camp, they can choose whatever path or career they want to pursue.
Everyone benefits.
I agree. I think the subject of gun safety should be brought up earlier then graduation, although any "lab" work should be handled later, once some basic knowledge and laws have been taught to them.


So what's the solution, more restrictions and regulations on the sale and use of guns, or less restrictions and regulations?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Well, I think criminals need to be more accountable, and serve longer mandatory sentences. I have seen that in the recent past some red flag laws have succeeded, but some have also failed, so that one needs work, I don't trust our government enough to agree to registration, or having to get a license to own. I do believe it should be mandatory for carry, to go to classes. I also would say it should be mandatory to get training that says you can responsibly handle a weapon, but no record of what you buy should be maintained. I don't feel my government needs to know what I own, and how much I own. I just find it very annoying that whenever anything happens, that inanimate piece of machinery is what's to blame. That's the first solution. Deny rights, punish everyone. We had some whack jobs high jack planes and murder thousands. We didn't outlaw planes. We mad it harder to get in an airport and inconvenienced the world, so why can't they do that at schools? They do it at Federal buildings, so do it at schools, and secure the building. I honestly wish I could come up with more for you, if I had all the answers, I would run for king. I don't like to see stupid shit happen either, and as a gun owner it's important to me, my rights are preserved. I also can't see how, all of the criminals out there are committing armed robbery, and getting slapped on the wrist, I think the crime rate needs to be much lower, because I guarantee you, a criminal will always find a gun. I also think anyone caught in any situation where they were helping gangs, cartels, or any felon not allowed to have a gun, should serve far more time. I also think they should bring back hard labor for criminals that commit gun crimes.
We didn't outlaw planes. We mad it harder to get in an airport and inconvenienced the world, so why can't they do that at schools? They do it at Federal buildings, so do it at schools, and secure the building.
I agree with you, but given the pushback we saw from just mandating masks to enter a building, I can't see anything making it more restrictive to get into a building getting any less of a cold reception. Remember that racist fuckwad who just pleaded guilty to shooting up that Buffalo grocery store? Imagine having to go through a pat down & body scan every time you went grocery shopping.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I agree with you, but given the pushback we saw from just mandating masks to enter a building, I can't see anything making it more restrictive to get into a building getting any less of a cold reception. Remember that racist fuckwad who just pleaded guilty to shooting up that Buffalo grocery store? Imagine having to go through a pat down & body scan every time you went grocery shopping.
I'm not saying we go that far everywhere, but schools for sure, Metal detectors at least, But the point was, we have made laws, and made life difficult for everyone, because of some foreign ass clowns, and now the want to take away rights of Americans, for a few fuckwads, but aren't willing to try anything else first. That should speak volumes of the true agenda the gun control group has. Which is to disarm, and render powerless, a mostly lawful populace. personally, even if there was never one school shooting, I would say every school needs a couple of cops on regular duty, just because some students are destine to be a number, and not a name. I wish I had better answers Strip, I really do. I hate it when shit like that happens too, but I can't see passing more laws, when they don't even enforce half the laws they have now. Scroll through Yahoo's pages for a couple of days, and take a look at the number of violent criminals that are getting caught while out on probation, or the number of criminals caught and charged with a felon in possession of a firearm. That gun was not purchased legally, but the criminal got it. Probably from another criminal. Typically this is happening in cities that have defunded the police, and or cities with very liberal mayors and council persons. Memphis, Atlanta< NYC, and Chicago seem to be the worst.

One more thing Strip. When you TRUELY want to know what is going on, and the statistics for gun violence, who and what kind, etc. there's only ONE PLACE to go for the most honest numbers, and that's THE F.B.I.'s UNIFIED CRIME STATISTICS. They are the only ones that compile complete and accurate numbers.


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