

How the Beirut explosion was a government failure - Sept 18, 2020


This abandoned shed may yet help end the world - Aug 11, 2020


Hoover Dam | All the Secrets of the Engineering Wonder

Construction began in 1931 and was completed in 1936, over two years ahead of schedule. The dam & the powerplant are operated by the Bureau of Reclamation of the U.S. Department of the Interior. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1981, Hoover Dam was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1985.


Why is There NO Record of Ancient Humans? - Randall Carlson


The only thing spoiled rich aholes might suffer from is boredom.

Inside the luxurious lives of the world's richest kids | 60 Minutes Australia


How Bank Robberies Actually Work | How Crime Works - Aug 21, 2021


Cave Exploring Gone WRONG | The Veryovkina Cave Incidents - June 7, 2022
"Trainwreck: Woodstock ''99" is a good three-part documentary. Each one is about 45 minutes long. Part 1 had four parts with tits - two, are extended / "rolling." Part 2 had six parts with tits - three, are extended / "rolling." And part 3 had 3 parts with tits. Here are some example of the glorious mounds - and in part 1, you even get a "landing strip!"

Oh, and some .. interesting dialogue:

Producer: I saw .. from the stage .. on one wall of the hangar .. several naked people, lined up, with their hands against the wall, and a line of people behind them.

Interviewer: What were they doing?

Producer: Ummmm – which Biblical word would you like for it??

Woodstock Pt 1-1g-tits with landing strip-vg3-best strip.jpg

Woodstock Pt 2-1a-tits in rave bldg.jpg

Woodstock Pt 3-4b-crowd brun-both nips-green tit-eh.jpg


The Anti-Smartphone Revolution aka The Dumb Phone Revolution - Jul 25, 2022

My main cell is a small dumb phone that has a 2" display and number pad keys. I use it for all voice phone calls, but It can receive text messages, take and email photos, and costs $10 per month.
I also have a smartphone that I only use when I really need it. I got it for $200, and pay $20 per month.
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How is Money Created? – Everything You Need to Know - Jun 8, 2020


How NYC’s Sewage System Treats 1.3 Billion Gallons Of Wastewater - NYC Revealed - Jan 27, 2022

What Happens To NYC’s 3.2 Million Tons Of Trash | Big Business | Business Insider - Mar 21, 2021
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Hey Lux, I may be wrong but you seem like the Professor of Science Fiction around here. Ever thought about making your own Sci-Fi thread? I would be happy to learn from you. I know about Horror so maybe an exchange of knowledge is possible.

You into video games? If so, what systems do you have?


I only like watching sci-fi, mystery, or film-noir movies and shows, I was never overly interested in the BTS facts about any movie or franchise like star wars or star trek.
The same with music, I only like listening to music, I don't really care to know anything about the bands or singers.
I rarely play video games.

Why are you obsessed with horror movies?
Why are you obsessed with horror movies?

Thanks for asking...

When I was 6 years old my father took me to see The Exorcist in the theater. My dad was a cop and also Russian so a boy does not shed a tear or show fear in front of that man. I sat there frozen in terror during the film and couldn't breathe. It was such a rush I've spent my whole life chasing the dragon hoping to be scared that much again. My mother didn't go instead of me because Horror Films creeped her out too much.

I was never into Star Wars or Star Trek either. It's fun messing with Trekies and Warsies and intentionally getting them mixed up just to piss the nerds off.

I like Science Fiction that has elements of Horror like Alien and Event Horizon.

Do you have a big movie collection? You collect anything else? I collect movies, games, guns, knives, swords, and axes. My wife collects snow globes.


I only collect photos and videos of my family and friends.

The Untold Truth Of Blade Runner - Sep 24, 2022
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How language shapes the way we think | Lera Boroditsky - May 2, 2018