Re: Do you think the incredible hulk has a huge green penis that grows when he gets a
I always wonder if Superman and Lois Lane had sex in the comics, and if so why was she not killed by his super dick or super sperm. Those sperms can probably put holes on a steel door due to the super muscles in his penis. Or am I thinking too much? :dunno:
Oh, they definately have played hide the kryptonian nazi. Matter of fact, it's definately implied they engaged in sex following Superman's return from the dead, as Supes returned to Lois after taking out the Cyborg Superman. A few years later, they got married as well.
But as far as exactly how would Lois be able to take on the SuperMilkshakes, and actually be a satisfying lover .... I guess we are not supposed to think too much about stuff like that. :dunno:
Much like the size of Hulk's penis.