Will E Worm
Please don't vote. This is a complete waste of your vote and mocks the American democratic process. Perhaps you should instead write in Scooby Doo for President. He has the same chance to get elected as Chuck Baldwin does.
Either vote for one of the legitimate candidates from our two-party system or stay home. All you'll be left with at the end of the day is a meaningless story for a cocktail party someday in the future, "Do you know who I voted for back in the '08 election...."
This is America, he can write in anyone he wants to.
Anyone running and is on the ballet are legitimate candidates to vote for.
The two party system mocks us. The "two" parties are basically the same.
They are puppets, that's why they always lie and people are too dumbed down to look into anything.
So, they continue to vote for the same party even though they were lied to over and over again.
I haven't looked into what Chuck Baldwin stands for. But, he is from the Constitution party, the party
that is supposed to stand for the Constitution the Supreme law of America.
More than the Democrats and Republicans have been doing.