Chef, we were already in both Iraq and Afghanistan before the 04 Election when John Kerry ran.
I know. I already acknowledged that I screwed that up.
John Kerry a pansy? Both he and Al Gore served in Vietnam will W hid behind his dadies skirts so he didn't have to go.
There's an old thread somewhere in which I voice my opinion on veterans and whatnot, but...
Just because John Kerry served in Vietnam doesn't mean that he's more of a badass than someone who didn't.
"But Chef, he was willing to risk his life for our country and it's citizen's freedom!!!"
Yeah, my father was more than willing to risk his life in Vietnam too (he actually
volunteered for it), but his brother is blind and he wasn't allowed to go because, according to our government at the time, he was an only child.
(Apparently, children with disabilities don't really count as children...:dunno
So, who is more of a badass? Someone who was
forced into the military (via draft) or someone who volunteered to risk their own life, but has been denied that opportunity due to unfortunate circumstance?
Oh, also...
John Kerry was (is) a
huge opposer of the Vietnam War. He felt that we had no business being in Vietnam and that is was doing nothing but sending a bad message to the world. Umm...would you really want someone like THAT in office when a terrorist attack like 9/11 would happen? Instead of going to Afghanistan and sending a clear cut message of "
don't fuck with us", John Kerry probably would've sat back and done nothing about it, because he probably wouldn't see a
justifiable reason to attack.
:2 cents:
I should have read more of the posts in this thread. What message would that be? "Fuck you" or "Don't fuck with the US" or perhaps most of the world views it as "We don't give a fuck about any country other than our own"
Obviously, the message has changed over the years, as we
currently have no business being overseas anymore (which is a completely different story). But,
initially, our message was, as I stated above...
Don't fuck with us!
I'm not saying that a terrorist attack on the United States will
never happen again, but since we've bombed the fuck out of Afghanistan and tore up Iraq, how many times has our country been
legitimately fucked with? ZERO times. Message sent.
(I am, in no way, shape or form, claiming that George W. Bush is a good President. I am just saying that he was the right person to have in office at a time like 9/11.)
Yes, but the message sent was, the US will do the wrong thing, lie to it's own people and the world to get public support and make sure the lobbyists and defense contractors are taken care of. When going in the wrong direction, stubbornly refuse to admit the mistake as everyone you care about is making big money. At the same time, deny global warming among a host of other serious problems that will go unaddressed to the dismay of the rest of the world.
This is a very good book, "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder", but it is also the most scathing commentary on Bush and his administration I've read out of 20 or so titles.
If we would've just attacked Afghanistan, shaken up Iraq and then
left it at that, our message would've been viewed as "damn, we probably shouldn't mess with the US anymore".
unfortunately, the Bush administration dragged it's "plan" out for far, faaaar too long and it eventually got to the point where we couldn't get out. Why? Because if we would just pick up and withdraw our troops
now, it would just make our country look like a big joke, as if we wussed out and said "ahh, fuck it".
:2 cents: