Nialis said:Anyone play Lineage2?
Mr. Gerbik said:I played World Of Warcraft for about three months, but it eventually became tedious, and to be honest, I became very annoyed with that particular community of players.
I've been playing good old Diablo II again lately, and I was thinking about checking out Guild Wars. Is Guild Wars any good?
So, what's the level cap? It sounds a bit like Diablo in that your character is very gear dependant. Sure, skills help, but if you're not fully decked out in awesome gear, you have no chance of beating the game at higher difficulty levels.Death_blooms08 said:I was into Guild Wars until I hit Lvl 20 and that was it. Sure you can learn more skills, but if you can't continue to make your character any stronger other than armor, its lame.
Mr. Gerbik said:So, what's the level cap? It sounds a bit like Diablo in that your character is very gear dependant. Sure, skills help, but if you're not fully decked out in awesome gear, you have no chance of beating the game at higher difficulty levels.
I love Guild Wars Just back into it.