Thoughtful posts aren´t the ones that gets a lot of rep. The posts that seems to get the most reps are links to galleries/videos. If a poster have a lot of rep i just assume that they post lots and lots of links to galleries.There could be a member with 200 posts that doesn't put any thought or input into their posts at all and doesn't deserve any rep what-so-ever, but somehow manages to have over 1,000 rep points.
Then, there could be a member with 3,000 posts that puts thought and input into most of their posts and deserves a tremendous amount of rep, but somehow manages to have only 300 rep points.
If they have tonnes of green rep, I probably wouldn't notice. I never look at the number, and most people have the same amount of green bars.
However, if someone has lots of red bars, I automatically presume they are dickheads.
I mean look at me, I have quite a bit and im a complete and utter cunt.
If they have tonnes of green rep, I probably wouldn't notice. I never look at the number, and most people have the same amount of green bars.
However, if someone has lots of red bars, I automatically presume they are dickheads.
If they have tonnes of green rep, I probably wouldn't notice. I never look at the number, and most people have the same amount of green bars.
However, if someone has lots of red bars, I automatically presume they are dickheads.
...To that end, the reputation system does not signify the importance, credibility or respect level of a member. It may reflect accurately on some members, but may not on others.
Sadly, yes.
If I see someone with a few posts and their rep is in the red, I think they won't last long around here.
If I see someone who has more rep than posts, I think that's wrong and wonder what they're about.
I'm a horrible person.
Too much rep in proportion to posts doesn't necessarily mean that you're a kiss ass . . you might be a game player. just sayin ~ :dunno: