Do you have a nickname?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I like to imagine you as the actual Vlad the Impaler. The legendary executioner, browsing porn in his spare time.

All the while listening to Iron Maiden.

What a shame. Our imaginations raised the bar so high he has no way of impressing us.



Lord Dipstick

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Ry or Ryno. Sometimes "Your Excellency."

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Lots of free time lately. Murder is sooo frowned upon in the 21st century. And no one gets to see the royal staff without suffering the consequences.


Staff member
I was nicknamed " Mr. CIA" at school. I had always very accurate information regarding what's going on and on other pupils and teachers as well.


Staff member
Did you ban people for speaking french outside of french class too? ;)

:1orglaugh I was a student at that time. I don't see how I could ban someone, it is irrevelant to the subject.
I have had a few. It was Bubba when I first started playing football. I ended up with Taz several times. In high school it was Boots because I always wore my cowboy boots. I've also been The Enforcer, Big Sexy, Red, Animal and The Freak at different times.