Do you have a nickname?

Nope sorry...the answer is so easy but everyone so far has not thought about it.

You've fucked shemales roughly a million times?

You suck at spelling and want Sheriah law to be preached at the mosque two blocks from Ground Zero?


Oh I got it, it's because you walk like George Jefferson and hate White people!

...fuck, never mind. I already said that.
Passarinho (little bird), it's my capoeira nickname, I got it because my hair used to look like a birds nest.



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
My nickname is Legs.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Some people like to call me Jesus because I have long hair and a beard. For some reason my beardless friend was also nicknamed Jesus, and so we played each other on MGO for the nickname. It was slightly sacrilegious.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Some people like to call me Jesus because I have long hair and a beard. For some reason my beardless friend was also nicknamed Jesus, and so we played each other on MGO for the nickname. It was slightly sacrilegious.

I'm trying to picture Fry with long hair and a beard and I can't get there.
Sherman??? Is your name Sherman?

Diva has stuck with me for a while now. Deeves. Steve O. Mick. Those are the ones that have stuck.

No it is not, not even my middle name. Truth be told, I got the name from Eddie Murphy's movie The Nutty Professor. No, I am not black, and I am not fat. It just happen to come out at the time, back in the late 90s, and my co-workers started calling me Sherman. At first I didn't like it, but it grew on me. 316, came from Stone Cold Steve Austin. Rep to you sir...