Do you ever hit your wife and kids?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I don't hit them. That's barbaric. I cut them.
sure it is.
but some kids just don't have it in them to understand without a smack in the butt.
i believe a baby should never be spanked, but when a chid reaches a certain age and they won't respond to reason, you can try ignoring them so they realize theyre not the boss.
if that doesn't work for a certain kid, a smack is needed.
its not the end of the world if thats what is needed.

It depends on what you call a smack tho. Like I know some parents that wind their arm as far back and they can and then whip their childs ass hard. To the point it is beet red even if they are wearing clothes during the smack.
It depends on what you call a smack tho. Like I know some parents that wind their arm as far back and they can and then whip their childs ass hard. To the point it is beet red even if they are wearing clothes during the smack.

So, taking a run at it is a bad idea?
ok- first the dog-killing-things thread, and now the thread about hitting your wife and kids.

Son, I'm just gonna tell you this once. Lay off the drugs or you're outta here.
not so much on the hitting...reasons...abusing those who are weaker (physically or mentally) is a no no...and hitting kids doesn't really do well towards teaching them that violence is a bad thing
No, never...I don't have either. My girlfriend on the other hand.....just kidding!


Better yet- anyone ever witnessed one of their 'friends' or family members hit their loves ones in front of them? What did you do?

VERY fucked up situation to be in.
Spank a child for getting out of hand? Sure. If situation calls for it. Usually making them stand in the corner or clearing the room of toys is most often good enough. Yet sometimes they just get so out of control to where a good spanking will settle things very quick and they realize you mean business. Children need to realize who the parent is.

As for hitting (as in punching or kicking) a child or a wife? No.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
We solve our grivences with each other in the Trial of The Laughing Fire.


Spanking is something that should be reserved for your sexual partner.

Parents use force against their children because they are angry that they can't get their way (ironically childlike). Using force against your kids in order to make them obedient is shithouse. The world doesn't need anymore obedient people, and your children aren't there to be obey you.

If your kids are running riot then chances are your trying to control them too much (so stop being such a controlling lunatic) or you are feeding them too much sugar.
If your kids are running riot then chances are your trying to control them too much (so stop being such a controlling lunatic) or you are feeding them too much sugar.
I hope this was meant as a joke.

The only kids that are "running riot" are those that have no boundaries. Boundaries need to be enforced by parents. 'Enforcement' literally means the use of force to ellicit compliance, which ranges to everything from reverse psychology, to a stern talking to, to a slap on the wrist.

Yes, there is such a thing as abuse, but it does not compute that any & all use of force is automatically abusive. That is just not logical. There is alcohol use, and there is alcohol abuse. The same is true with the use of physical force.