The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I don't hit them. That's barbaric. I cut them.
sure it is.
but some kids just don't have it in them to understand without a smack in the butt.
i believe a baby should never be spanked, but when a chid reaches a certain age and they won't respond to reason, you can try ignoring them so they realize theyre not the boss.
if that doesn't work for a certain kid, a smack is needed.
its not the end of the world if thats what is needed.
It depends on what you call a smack tho. Like I know some parents that wind their arm as far back and they can and then whip their childs ass hard. To the point it is beet red even if they are wearing clothes during the smack.
I don't hit kids. I throw them.
At fire or alligators?
I hope this was meant as a joke.If your kids are running riot then chances are your trying to control them too much (so stop being such a controlling lunatic) or you are feeding them too much sugar.