Do you belive in god?

Do you belive in God

  • Yes!

    Votes: 88 55.0%
  • No!

    Votes: 65 40.6%
  • I'am devoted to Satan

    Votes: 7 4.4%

  • Total voters


It's good to be the king...
Feelie said:
Maybe this is getting away from God and focusing more on if there is a higher force as you put but something must of created those parellel universes that collided.


As human beings, we are naturally curious about our surroundings and will seek an explanation to our origins. How did life begin? Where did our Universe come from? Hence our need for "God".
And it's not just our culture that needs a God:

Allah—Islam/Arabic. This is not actually the name of God but simply a word "God" translated in Arabic.
Cao Đài is the name of God in Caodaism.
Jehovah is a name often used in Christianity (it is often used as a transliteration of Yahweh.
Yahweh Hebrew: 'YHVH' (יהוה) and Elohim are some of the names used for God in the Christian Bible
The Holy Trinity (meaning the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit/"Holy Ghost"). Denotes God almost all mainstream Christianity.
Most Hindus worship the personal form of God or Saguna Brahman, or Hindu trinity, as Vishnu, Shiva, or directly as Brahman through the Gayatri mantra. A common prayer for Hindus is the Vishnu sahasranama, which is a hymn describing the one thousand names of God.
Ayyavazhi asserts Ekam,(The Ultimate Oneness) as supreme one and Ayya Vaikundar the Incarnation of Ekam. There are also several seperate lesser gods who were all later unified into Vaikundar.
Sikhs worship God with the name Waheguru.
Anu the supreme God in Sumerian mythology.
Jah is the name of God in the Rastafari movement.
God is called Igzi'abihier (lit. "Lord of the Universe") in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
Some churches (United Church of Canada, Religious Science) are using "the One" alongside "God" as a more gender-neutral way of referring to God (See also Oneness).
The Maasai name for "God" is Ngai, which occurs in the volcano name Ol Doinyo Lengai ("the mountain of God").
The Mi'kmaq name for "God" is Niskam.
In Surat Shabda Yoga, names used for God include Anami Purush (nameless power) and Radha Soami (lord of the soul).

(refer Wikipedia for the above definitions)


It's good to be the king...
om3ga said:
One theory has it that the "membranes" of two parallel universes collided, causing the big bang.....

I think that involves some new thinking on string theory. That a dimension that is close to use, but we can't perceive collided with our own to make the big bang. Although there hasn't even been any mathematical models that would show how it was done, so I don't even think it could be called a theory. It's more like a guess.

Oh this thread gives me a new idea for a porn movie. The woman could play the professor, then after class she could invite one of her students in to her office to discuss her version of the "big bang" theory. :1orglaugh
So, if it is true that 2 universes collided to create the big bang, which in turn created the universe, who's to say that God hadn't planned it that way. I find it funny that people use science to prove there is no God, but if God is all knowing and the creator of our universe, did he not create the science that we are studying.

I wholeheartedly believe in evolution. There is scientific evidence to support it, and it makes sense. The bible says God created man... it does not say how. So whose to say that God's tool for creating man and all the other creatures was not evolution. I'm not even suggesting that God is currently manipulating every genetic mutation. Rather, God is all knowing... thus when he started the chain of reactions that ultimately led to the big bang, that led to the creation of our solar system and planet, that led to the primordial ooze creating simple life, leading eventually to us, he knew it was all going to happen that way. It might have even been his original plan... who knows.

Now a note for those who are the opposite and thinking "but the bible says..." Lets remember that the Bible (old testament) was written in a time before we even understood biology as a science, let alone molecular genetics, astro-physics, and quantum mechanics. Thus, I suggest that the bible is like a childrens book, still bringing the ethical/moral points across, without giving all the details. Who, back then, would have read a book trying to explain that there are billions of cells in living animals that possess material called DNA, and when it copies itself, sometimes mutations occur which lead to species evolving... etc. Imagine if instead of reading "In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earths..." it read In the beginning when God made two parallel universes collide, an explosion of unimaginable force created an expanding universe..." Nobody would have understood it, and it would have never been taken seriously.

Any thoughts from anyone else on this? :dunno:
... or have I just put you all to sleep? :sleep:


It's good to be the king...
D-rock said:
I think that involves some new thinking on string theory. That a dimension that is close to use, but we can't perceive collided with our own to make the big bang. Although there hasn't even been any mathematical models that would show how it was done, so I don't even think it could be called a theory. It's more like a guess.

I've recently seen a documentary about Parallel universes and String theory, but I'll leave it to trusty old Wikipedia to explain the details:

A multiverse of a somewhat different kind has been envisaged within the 11-dimensional extension of string theory known as M-theory. In M-theory our universe and others are created by collisions between membranes in an 11-dimensional space. Unlike the universes in the "quantum multiverse", these universes can have completely different laws of physics—anything may be possible.

Critics claim that there is a lack of empirical correlation and testability in these theories and thus they are without hard physical evidence and must therefore be considered unfalsifiable, currently outside the methodology of scientific investigation to confirm or disprove, and therefore more mathematically theoretical and metaphysical than scientific in nature.
it's rather simple. faith. Faith is knowing your welcome without reservation, no matter what the hour. Knowing that a place is reserved for you without reservation. It's so easy people can't accept it. Faith in your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Don't complicate it people.


As far as I am concerned. There is no proof that a greater God does or does not exist.

I will say this though. Every major religion - as far as I am aware - basically comes down to one thing as far as believing in their god(s)/saviours/prophets is concerned...a leap of faith. Because they have no concrete proof either.

A leap of faith? THat is the best they can come up with? Sorry. I personally, need more then that.

However, if it helps you get through the day and helps make you a better person and makes you feel loved...

then all the power to you.

After all. I cannot prove your 'God' doesn't exist. Nor can anybody else I suspect.
Here's my opinion which will probably mean nothing to anyone but

We have no concrete evidence as to how the universe was formed.(sorry but theories are just another way to say it's a good guess)
I doubt that in our lifetimes we will ever come close to proving many accepted theories on many subjects...especially about the universe.
So on this one I will go with what I feel from the inside, that there is a GOD,and that he created us all and like any other parent watches us but tries not to interfere too much.
I suppose I just hate the mainstream, in your face nutjobs. Do what you will on your on time, I don't mind. Don't tell me what to do. Bloody zealots, leave us alone. Someone says 'Joint us. We are right' and I think Crusades, Holocaust, Extreamism. I mean look at the most popular 3. Christianity, Judiasm, Islam. They even have internal factions that don't agree!!!

It seams to me a lot of fighting between religions and the conversion of people to follow a certain belief. What makes one right vs the other? Is worshiping Zeus or Odin any better then the spirits of your ancestors? Just keep yourself out of my face.

I don't think that just because science can't explain everything now means that there must be a god. If you brought a TV to Issac Newton, he'd run screaming witchcraft (well he wouldn't get it anyway). But it isn't.
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God is for those who don´t have the spirit to face the emptiness. I believe in myself, my immoral instincts, that I´m part of this amoral mother Earth. Simply don´t have the arrogance to lift myself higher. Back to the eternal womb, where I came from. That´s heaven.
for a long time I was really hung up about using the word God, because I didn't agree with what everyone else told me god is. now that i'm older and wiser I don't have any problem using this word to describe what I feel is right, and I don't really give a shit if other people misunderstand what I say.

ps. I don't believe that god is a bearded man sitting on top of mt. olympus telling everyone what to do and what not to do.
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Feelie said:
Even if you believe in the big bang theory, what started the big bang.

Why does something have to "start" the big bang?

...but something must of created those parellel universes that collided.

Even if something had to start it, why does whatever started it need a creator? If these other universes need a creator simply because they exist, then wouldn't God need a creator simply because he exists?

But then of course, you'd say no, God doesn't need a creator even though he exists. So, you allow that something can exist without needing a creator.

Then, why can't these parellel universes exist without needing a creator?
Fear of what follows death (if anything) may cause people to embrace "God", but it's rather odd that they think being in God's clutches would be a good thing. Isn't God supposed to have flooded the world, drowning all of its inhabitants indiscriminately? The Muslim terrorists haven't done anything that bad yet, and I doubt that they ever will! Even the worst ones would spare the Muslims. God spared nobody! Do you know why Moses was finally killed (by God?)? Because God commanded Moses to strike some gully or something once, and Moses struck it twice. That was a reason to kill Moses? Didn't God let Jesus suffer a horrible death? Somewhere in the Bible, I read this myself, God says that a man must not cut the hair off the sides of his face. Elsewhere, it's supposed to say a man shall be stoned to death for growing the wrong crops. So, the Bible portrays God sometimes as cruel, and sometimes merely as irrational. Here's where the religious zealot would say the Bible has many parables and passages not to be taken literally. How convenient! Any book (inlcluding the Satanic Bible) can be made to sound good if someone can simply throw out the parts that don't suit him or her! At the end of the day, the zealot will take whatever suits him in the Bible and insist on adherence to it (such as the cruel killing of animals for meat) and toss out as "a parable" anything that doesn't suit him. If the Bible told all to give 10% of their income to the poor, would good Christians be doing it? I doubt it. They would find a way around it. They've used the Bible to justify something selfish and cruel (such as killing animals), but they wouldn't use the Bible to justify something unselfish and kind.
The name or cause of "God" has been, and will always be, invoked in the most horrendous of atrocities and also in the greatest of greatness. As with anything that we as human beings cannot see, feel, or smell, etc., there is ALWAYS going to be self-serving manipulation (both good and bad) of the concept of "God." Every religion, faith, or belief system does this, although not necessarily intentionally so.

Books, speeches, and writings of any sort (even e-mails or posts on message boards like this one) are completely subject to each person's interpretation and misunderstanding, or clear understanding. It's all reliant or dependent upon each person's point of view, personal situation, and core nature/belief system.

Anyone can take any thought or writing and interpret it to serve a certain cause or agenda. In the case of religion or faith, I personally can only hope that people will simply try to do the right and best thing for humanity - not themselves.

My little rambling and :2 cents:


IM Horny said:
Fear of what follows death (if anything) may cause people to embrace "God", but it's rather odd that they think being in God's clutches would be a good thing. Isn't God supposed to have flooded the world, drowning all of its inhabitants indiscriminately? The Muslim terrorists haven't done anything that bad yet, and I doubt that they ever will! Even the worst ones would spare the Muslims. God spared nobody! Do you know why Moses was finally killed (by God?)? Because God commanded Moses to strike some gully or something once, and Moses struck it twice. That was a reason to kill Moses? Didn't God let Jesus suffer a horrible death? Somewhere in the Bible, I read this myself, God says that a man must not cut the hair off the sides of his face. Elsewhere, it's supposed to say a man shall be stoned to death for growing the wrong crops. So, the Bible portrays God sometimes as cruel, and sometimes merely as irrational. Here's where the religious zealot would say the Bible has many parables and passages not to be taken literally. How convenient! Any book (inlcluding the Satanic Bible) can be made to sound good if someone can simply throw out the parts that don't suit him or her! At the end of the day, the zealot will take whatever suits him in the Bible and insist on adherence to it (such as the cruel killing of animals for meat) and toss out as "a parable" anything that doesn't suit him. If the Bible told all to give 10% of their income to the poor, would good Christians be doing it? I doubt it. They would find a way around it. They've used the Bible to justify something selfish and cruel (such as killing animals), but they wouldn't use the Bible to justify something unselfish and kind.

WRONG. OH, how so very, very wrong. If you're going to make an attempt to quote from the Scripture, then I emphatically suggest you get the quotation CORRECT? Understood?

God did not KILL Moses... he simply punished him by preventing from crossing into the Promised Land to which he had led the Israelites.

Numbers 12:20

God commands Moses to produce water from a rock by speaking to it, but, irritated with the people’s complaints, Moses hits the rock with his staff. This act of negligence bars Moses from entering the very promised land to which he has guided the Israelites for almost half a century. He died because of his explosive temper. God prevented him from entering the Promised Land. Moses, in full strength, died atop Mount Nebo gazing into the land of Israel with great sadness.

In Genesis, God commanded Noah to to build an ark and gather all animals up, two by two, because He would flood the world for forty days and nights. He commanded this of Noah because He saw man had become sinful, prideful, and warlike in his ways. The world had become corrupted with sin.

Genesis chapter 6 gives four reasons why God sent the Flood:

1. 'The wickedness of man was great in the earth' (v. 5).
2. 'Every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually' (v. 5).
3. 'The earth was filled with violence' (v. 11).
4. 'The earth...was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth' (v. 12). (All the people on earth had corrupted their way.)

The historical biblical record states, 'And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt' (Genesis 6:12). This is in sharp contrast to God's declaration when he had finished creating the heaven and the earth, namely, 'And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good' (Genesis 1:31). It is astounding to consider that in the tenth generation from Adam the human race had become so wicked, evil, violent and corrupt that it was not fit to go on living. And of all mankind only four men and four women were spared, because they did not go with the great sin drift.

IM Horny - if you're going to quote something or attempt to use it in an argument, I highly suggest you get your facts straight... cause if you don't, I WILL make you look the incompetent fool. In this instance, though, you did it to yourself.

I normally don't even bother to answer these threads simply because I know that the majority of you people will stand up and make a mockery of my beliefs. So what's the point? However, in the above instance, I've made an exception for this individual and his ignorance and deliberate misinterpretations of the Word. Say what you will, but I take great exception to this post... even if no other person on here does.

If anyone has anything to say to me in a negative manner, handle it by private messages, please. I don't want to argue dogma in a thread that's solely designed to instigate fights and encourage flaming people for their beliefs.

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