Do you believe in space alien and UFOs and stuff?

For me, it´s just entertainment. In some case it´s really funny to see that people are wasting their time thinking about it.
I believe in extraterrestial (?) beings, but if they´re is really something out there, then they might have been already contacted us, not just "visiting"
I believe in aliens, I don't prescribe to the idea that in all of the universe, life only developed on one planet.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I believe in aliens, I don't prescribe to the idea that in all of the universe, life only developed on one planet.

exactly what I've been saying all along. It is a numerical and statistical impossibility that we are alone in the universe! I

f we were targets for being "visited" or "invaded" by E.T.s, all they need to do is watch us for about an hour and realize it's time to move on as we're gonna destroy ourselves eventually. Never mind the fact that there isn't enough resources left on this planet for them to use anyway!

They wouldn't waste their time on us!
...Never mind the fact that there isn't enough resources left on this planet for them to use anyway!..
people can be "resources" in many ways: food, sex, viewing pleasure. Certainly there is an alien out there who would like to eat, fuck or watch us!!?!

Personally, I go back and forth on this question. I do think there is intelligent life out there somewhere, just don't know if we will ever see it.

Currently, the only aliens I see around here are the ones down at home depot, and when I believe in them all they say is "Que?" and "No comprende." There's your intelligent life.


Hiliary 2020
As I've always said we are in One solar system within One Galaxy within the Universe. Our Galaxy alone contains 200 Billion - 400 Billion solar systems.
Within the Universe there are Hundreds of Billions of Galaxys,some of which contain 10 Trillion solar systems.
So yeah, there is probably many different forms of life elsewhere in the Universe.

Or our Universe could just be one atom on some giants fingernail.
I've always believed in life on other planets. There is no way you can tell me that in a universe with billions upon billions upon billions of stars, with planets orbiting those stars that Earth is the only planet with life on it. No way, No how. Just because you've never seen them doesn't mean they don't exist. We exist, so of course they exist. For all we know some of them have probably been living with us all this time.
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As I said before, I think there is no doubt there is intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe. The universe is nearly infinite so there has to be some sentient beings other then us humans. However, it’s a different story as to whether they have visited us here on earth. But I think they never come to earth for a good reason. The aliens are so intelligent that they do not want anything to do with us humans.
As I said before, I think there is no doubt there is intelligent life somewhere out there in the universe. The universe is nearly infinite so there has to be some sentient beings other then us humans. However, it’s a different story as to whether they have visited us here on earth. But I think they never come to earth for a good reason. The aliens are so intelligent that they do not want anything to do with us humans.

I said almost the same thing in my philosophy class but my classmates didn't agree for the most part. I guess human arrogance is still more important than the truth.
Is there life elsewhere in the universe, probably. Have we been visited, no. When it comes to UFO discussions, it always boggle my mind how many people don't separate the two completely different questions.
Personally, I go back and forth on this question. I do think there is intelligent life out there somewhere, just don't know if we will ever see it.

Hey!!! You forgot that time we saw the UFO that mysteriously turned into a blimp as we drove closer.
Up to about 1950, when people were less educated and religion was a hope for a better living, there was a lot of people seeing the Virgin Mary.

After that, with more education and many technological inventions, technology was the hope for a better living and we start seeing flying saucers.

Both failed and now we look at our past and try to find things where there were none.

As long as being alone in the universe, I agree with those who said that the universe being infinite and having billions of billions of planets, it is mathematics, some other planets have life.
As long as being visited, that is also mathematics: They have one chance out of billions of billions of billiions to find us... so IMHO I don't think so.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I sort of take the stance on it all that Kevin Spacey in K-PAX did.

Yeah, there are* aliens out there. But indeed, what really is the point? The point of them visiting, communicating, all that.. if they're ANYTHING like us then they'd already be here trying to make some ties and trades and embassies and so forth.

But more likely, if they know we're here then why communicate with the useless intellect of humans? I dont go out of my way to visit an Ant hill a mile away from my patio and then decide to listen, study and communicate with them for fun. Use them as resources? Well if I could zoom around the galaxy I'd already have that whole sustenance thing solved.

(*no need to say probably with the improbabilities of an empty galaxy.)


Closed Account
yup i do. that doesnt mean that i believe aliens have actualy visited this planet in the last few million years but there ya go.
One day a scientist will turn over a rock and find a message in an alien dialect, saying something like: "Klaatu was here and thought it was shit!"
You can't prove a negative existence claim; the question is whether or not it's reasonable to believe there is something there without evidence to support it.

I'm open to the possibility that there is intelligent life out there. I do not actively believe there are UFOs, but I would not go so far as to say they can't be there.

I'm skeptical to actual reports of encounters with them. I don't think any account should be reviewed with a bias to except or deny; they need to be evaluated on their own.