In 'conquering', I'm was referring to how England, France, Spain, etc, have expanded throughout the entire world, using bullying tactics, and brute force over the past several centuries. And all these countries still do the same thing today, just on a lesser level compared to the U.S., because they've lost much of their power and influence. Still the same today though.
When have we not tried to do all those things? Do WE really have to solve ALL the world's problems? How about a little help there guys.
But we have lead by example. All throughout the cold war... We haven't changed from those days at all.
Yes the world owes USA more than a lot after WWII, because it is thanks US$ and the Marshall plan that Europe could be rebuilt. Europe will fall into small pieces as did U.S.S.R.
The UN has proved its unefficiency in Bosnia and Kosovo where its armed forces and soldiers were always hit or destoryed by Serbs or Croats. Even in 1982 in Liban, U.N. soldiers were victims of the Hezbollah. Guess who moved the US troops from Somalia? That stupid idiot of Clinton. The idiots are the ones thinking that all can be resolved by talks when force is necessary sometimes. True leaders are not the ones kissing the UN's ass but the ones able to take decisions when they had to be taken.
You know, you Brits are way too nice. ...American revolution...war of 1812...bailing you guys out in WWII.. C'mon, you're amongst friends. You can let it out.
Among many other countries. We're not alone, and I'm sorry, it's the '80s, not '90s for us -- unlike other countries (including several in Europe). Many other countries also share the blame, even if their state-controlled and run media doesn't like to admit it and solely blame the US. Thank God for our truly free press, even if they are idiots 98% of the time, I'll take that 2% versus state-controlled/run any day.America armed these people in the 80s and 90s for their own ends
Along with many other countries. Some of the key components for Sarin did not come from the US, but 2 European countries. Especially after 1991.Supporting Saddam (You gave him WMD in the first place!),]
Very much guilty there, although that was '80s only as well.supporting Bin Laden against the USSR and quite a few more.
No, only when a country attacks the US or a strategic, western resource. In fact, since WWII, we've been guilty of not suing for unconditional surrender, and that's been part of our problem since.You try to tell the world that the American way is the right way
Anti-capitalism rhetoric. The number of homeless in US cities is less than 1 in 10,000 -- even using the over-inflated quotes from the Chinese as of late. I rather tire of the anti-capitalism rhetoric around the world, and we're not wrong merely because we're capitalists.but leave your poor to die in a flooded city,
Of course. With freedom comes responsibility. Some people aren't responsible -- especially those under-educated and under-appreciative of all the responsibility that comes with that freedom. I like the fact that I have a government -- and an overriding Constitution with a Bill of Rights -- that trusts me to make the right choices, instead of taking them away from me.kill each other with you crazy laws about gun control
More anti-capitalism rhetoric.and bribe your way into power.
We will not only accept it, but continue to support (financially) Palestine when they vow not to attack and kill innocent civilians. That's all we ask! Wow, that's a lot to ask.You want demorocy but when the people of Palistine vote in a Goverment you don't like you refuse to accept it.
W. reflects the anti-appeasing, "this is what I'm going to do" honesty that most Americans wanted to vote for more than Kerry, who didn't clarify anything. I didn't vote for him, but if you think most Americans aren't capitalists and don't think there are many things wrong with the world -- starting with Europe (hence why most of us left) -- you're wrong.We don't hate the normal people just tossers like George W.
Huh? No offense, but it's others who do that. We're Americans because we are a mixture of cultures who left people like yourself a long time ago.My personal gripe with the US is the way you all hang onto your backgrounds - "Hi I'm a IrishAmerican" even though you have never been to Ireland and in fact it was your Great Great Grandad who went to the US! No your not your a American!! Smae with the AfricainAmericans, Spanish or any other country you care to mention.
Live and let live people isn't there enough hate in the world without adding to it?
Don't even start shit like this you won't like where it goes, just a friendly warning. Drop it, because if you want to start saying whats crap in the US, you will just get into a war of words with someone who is going to sling mud in your direction, and it will lead to someone getting banned or whatever.The UK is too dependant on reruns of crap comady like Friends and MacDonalds fast food crap.
The problem is that most people want to blame another country for creating hate, but not look at their own countries own responsibility of doing the same.Live and let live people isn't there enough hate in the world without adding to it?
Yes, and we have no only bailed your country out of them several times, but your economy is heavily tied to ours. Blair doesn't agree with W. because he's some sort of "W-like asshole," but he's got the same situation that Major, Thatcher and others before them did as well.Dave_rhino, is that in jest? I don't want to be allied with the US and I'm a Brit. The US had fucked up enough wars, policies, etc across the whole planet, that I would prefer the UK to be independent completely. We can make our own decisions and have our own ideas.
Killings will still occur even if we had no gun control.I think Americanising the UK is the worst thing we can do. I much prefer home-grown talent in entertainment, sport, literature, science etc. I prefer our culture and our way of life. Recent events in the US with the shootings seam absurd over here due to our gun laws. We have our social problems, but the US seams to have it wide spread in their communities.
And yes, if I watched the US TV media, I'd think we Americans are arrogant, ignorant and racist/sexist fucks as well.I love the Americas in terms of their geological features. The scale and power of the canyons and mountains are amazing. However, I hate the arrogant impression that I get from the country as a whole.
Again, that's exactly what you get from watching the US TV media -- the most racist and sexist institution in the US. Doesn't surprise me one bit that actors/actresses are so leftist/activist, because they work in the most sexist/racist/narrow-minded industry we have.Your rich and famous are the spokes people for your country and they look like a bunch of muppets. Run by a monkey and obsessed by what the Hollywood A list are doing and how much they are being payed.
Which is a result of increased social programs. We all get the "lowest common denominator" as a result.It's breeding a society that I think is becoming more and more unbalanced.
Again, don't confuse the US TV media with the US, its people and its leadership.The UK is too dependant on reruns of crap comady like Friends and MacDonalds fast food crap. The likes of Fifty Cent and that lot look like small men acting hard and don't impress me. Kids idolise them, and what a load of wank they are.
Ummm, I think the US has had that stance since day 1 on North Korea. In fact, the reason why the 1994 agreement (negotiated by Jimmy Carter, and vehemently lambasted by Al Gore at the time) failed -- in the eyes of all 6 countries -- is that it placed the "appeasement burden" on the US. The US and Japan see eye-to-eye on North Korea, and the US' stance has more to do with China than North Korea.I have more respect for Japan and other countries than the US as they come to the table as equals and seek a democratic way of finding a solution. Japans reaction the the N. Korean bomb threat was very admirable as they said that although N. Korea had a bomb, they would not start any progress on their own program. The US is physically bigger, however, that doesn't mean they should have more of a say. All countries should be equal.
Yes, like Marget Thatcher telling George H. W. Bush that the invasion of Kuwait could not stand, and such an aggressor -- with the 4th largest army in the world -- needs to be dealt with before he attempts to conqueror the entire region.I don't want the US as an enemy, but I don't won't to be a front or puppet to some crap idea the US has come up with. The association between the two countries is too close in the rest of the worlds eyes. They see the US's poor decisions as ours by proxy.
Anti-capitalism rhetoric. The number of homeless in US cities is less than 1 in 10,000 -- even using the over-inflated quotes from the Chinese as of late. I rather tire of the anti-capitalism rhetoric around the world, and we're not wrong merely because we're capitalists.
I said "homeless." So WTF does that have to do with "poor"?So no poor people died in the Big easy?
Everything. Virtually everything that dumbfounds many people of many nations, especially those more socialist, is why we make several decisions, and it boils down to capitalism and a much lower, federal taxation rate. It has everything to do with our massive (in comparison) GDP as well.Strange I'm sure thats what CNN was reporting at the time! And BTW WTF has that got to do with anti-capitalism?
Yes, the state of Louisiana is a chronic fuck-up of a state that squandered billions of dollars over the years ear-marked for hurricane preparedness, improvements to the woefully adequate walls and levies that the Army Corps of Engineers have warned about for years, etc... State issues not addressed by the state, who was given federal assistance to address and they squandered it.Your Goverment left a stadium full of people rot
FEMA and, more effectively, the Coast Guard was mobilized immediately. I know, because I was the lead engineer helping providing the communications for the Coast Guard, and directing technicians in the field.for how long before George W got his stupid ares in gear
Huh? Were are you getting this from? Have absolutely no idea!and he only did that cause Daddy told him to!!
Rhetoric.Get real Prof. If your poor and black in the US no one cares!