Did Kystal Steal used to be a man?

HI, I found this girl on freeones today and she looks like she is a sex change is that the case? She has a very man like face, a strange long unwoman like body and when she talks she has a very deep voice, so is this the case?


Retired Moderator
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

God lets hope not :1orglaugh

I think she attractive :dunno:
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

HI, I found this girl on freeones today and she looks like she is a sex change is that the case? She has a very man like face, a strange long unwoman like body and when she talks she has a very deep voice, so is this the case?

That is a good joke to start the day:rofl:

Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

I'm not trying to be funny but did you miss spell Krystal Steal or is there someone else named kystal seal?
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

HI, I found this girl on freeones today and she looks like she is a sex change is that the case? She has a very man like face, a strange long unwoman like body and when she talks she has a very deep voice, so is this the case?

You fishing?

If yes it looks like you got a bite if not I can't see the resemblence to a man.

However it would explain her dislike of the cumshot to her face.
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

Bless her. Poor Krystal gets a lot of bad things said about her. Still if she done her job properly she may get better press.
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

Yes I'm serious, Look at the picture of Krystal Steal on Freeones front page at the moment and I'm sure it is a man, I've never seen her before and that is my first impression of her. Maybe she has had a sex change?


Closed Account
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

could of, but i dont think its likely. i dont believe she would be able to keep it a secret this many years.

BUT i do know what you mean, very manly features. So i wouldn't be surprised..
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

Yes I'm serious, Look at the picture of Krystal Steal on Freeones front page at the moment and I'm sure it is a man, I've never seen her before and that is my first impression of her. Maybe she has had a sex change?

I agree it is not her best pic but there is no way that is the face of an ex man. There is no adams apple, not the structure I associate with most male faces. Check some more of her stuff then let us know if you still have the same view.


Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

Yes I'm serious, Look at the picture of Krystal Steal on Freeones front page at the moment and I'm sure it is a man, I've never seen her before and that is my first impression of her. Maybe she has had a sex change?

You are seeing what you want to see. (And I haven't read any expressed guilt to using her pix...)

I'll give you props, because it's hard for me to tell if you are trolling or just fascinated by this non-issue.

..and I'll stand as one who has read plenty of junk about someone I rather fancy... :female:


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

shes not a man, shes just ugly! ;)

nah, shes not ugly but. eh. u know what i mean.
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

Well,it would explain a couple things...such as his/her complete disgust for sperm when it gets anywhere near his/her mouth