Did Kystal Steal used to be a man?


It's good to be the king...
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

Like the single hottest girl in porn and you called her a man, you animal!

Although, she has some interesting features about her that some people regard as "manly", such as her adams apple (doesn't actually have one but the shape of her throat) and her sharp face. I personally think her looks are distinctive and very attractive.


Nikkala made me do it!
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

Maybe you are right maybe she isn't a man, but that's what I thought when I saw her. I used to work in a university and there were some drag queens there who look more female like than she does. The only real female feature is her tits and they are fake, so that's no argument. In regard to the Adam's Apple thing, they can now have it shaven down, so it's not a sure sign anymore - O.k. I have nothing more to say on the matter!
Re: Did Kystal Seal used to be a man?

Please tell me you are joking. I mean there are tons of genuinely attractive girls out there in porno land, and you think she's the hottest?!?

Yup, hey each their own :p

Some people are all crazy about the mature porn stars, some people like the large breasted chubby ones or really curvey ones. I like Krystal Steal =P


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A lot of friends of mine asked the same thing too.
But I don't think that Krystal was a man, she's simply beautiful and stunning, I really love and admire her!
HI, I found this girl on freeones today and she looks like she is a sex change is that the case? She has a very man like face, a strange long unwoman like body and when she talks she has a very deep voice, so is this the case?
With a perfect ass like She has,I am confident that She is all Woman.Don't let the bad boob job and the smokers voice fool You.I think She is pretty and She has the Womanly hips and ass.I am ashamed that I took this seriously enough to reply but I have been gone for a while.:rolleyes:
Actually, transexual/transgender surgery (vaginoplasty and labiaplasty) have been around for years and it is very common in Thailand, and part of Europe (Holland) but it is very expensive here in United States. Don't be fool there are many women walking in New York are (were) actually men before. Many rich men will sponsor a male lover to have sex change. But......

I do not think Krystal Steal was a man (the only way to tell is a very simple buccal smear of her DNA/chromsome).

But again, I have many personal experience of dancers who want "three tits", "60 EEEE" tits and who knows what else a "person" wants !

Sex change is very common in some culture but I doubt someone wants to take female hormone (estrogen) for life and have his penis cut off ! LOL !

(just to become a porn queen instead of a drag queen !)
If Krystal Steal was a man then I wouldn't mind being semi-gay for a night.