Yeah, I have to say I'm quite turned on by seeing male genitalia in porn films and pics. I'm a heterosexual male but still feel this way. Don't try to tell me I'm a closet homosexual 'cause I've tried watching gay porn and find it a complete turn-off. I'm only interested in dicks, the other parts of the male anatomy don't attract me in a sexual way at all. I just love seeing erect dicks and heavy scrotums in scenes with women. I've thought about trying to give a guy a blowjob and had a good opportunity to do so not too long ago. I chickened out though, the thought still repels me a bit at the same time as I'm intrigued by it.

Anyway, does anyone else feel this way among the heterosexual males on this board? It wouldn't surprise me since there seems to be such a big market for dicks even in the branch of straight porn: just think of all the "big dicks" sections on porn sites, all gangbang scenes in films, the heavy focus on the ejaculation etc.
julian999 said:
I'm only interested in dicks, the other parts of the male anatomy don't attract me in a sexual way at all.....

I've thought about trying to give a guy a blowjob and had a good opportunity to do so not too long ago....
isnt that what gays like?
with no offense but these 2 sentences kinda makes you one!!!
or ,since you say that you like women, by-sexual!

I can only imagine what the next posts will look like! :D


I don't feel or think that way at all - at all.

I can appriciate a well developed male form and think that "he has nice traps", but there certainly no arousal or turn on.

I wouldn't call you or define you at all. But, I will say that you couldn't pay me to watch, nor do I have any interest in, watching gay porn. The idea of even "trying" it repels me.

Maybe there are gay tendencies there for you. I couldn't care less. What I care about, is that this is a board frequented by straight males, and while certainly some may share your feelings, %-wise it is guaranteed, few will voice them.

Good luck with that, but really I think you are better served by another "type" of board with this kind of issue.
BNF said:
What I care about, is that this is a board frequented by straight males, and while certainly some may share your feelings, %-wise it is guaranteed, few will voice them.

Good luck with that, but really I think you are better served by another "type" of board with this kind of issue.

What type of board do you have in mind? If you're thinking about a forum for gay males then that is missing my point. I know that the vast majority of people posting here are heterosexual males (just like I am) and that is the reason I brought up this issue. I'm interested to see if anyone else feels this way and I think you're wrong to assume that noone would dare voice such sentiments (it's a free world, mate).

I knew this would stir some minor controversy and I knew there would be people saying I'm gay. I'm not, though. I love girls and have ever only had sex with girls. And believe me, if I truly were gay I would have no problem admitting that. Maybe BNF is right though when he describes it as a "gay tendency", but I'm convinced that there is a strong undercurrent of homoeroticism in straight porn. With all that focus on the male genitalia and ejaculation there simply has to be and I'm interested in that subject.
Well, there are different issues here...

One is strictly objective and the other subjective... I've seen some pretty weird looking dicks in porn, and I have to say, objectively, that some guys' dicks are kinda freaky-looking while most just look like a "normal/typical" dick.

Subjectively, as to the way you wrote your post, it is quite clear to me that you are at least "bi-curious" since cocks and balls arouse your "interest" and you felt compelled to post this where thousands of people will see it.

I've watched gay porn before (and it didn't do a single thing for me - even lesbian stuff usually [but some can be hot as hell] bores me since I am not a woman and cannot fantasize that I am one of the performers); I have a gay brother and many gay or bi friends, both male and female, but your statement that you're completely heterosexual is just absurd to me upon reading your post.

If cocks and balls turn you on, more power to you, but this is an overwhelmingly heterosexual, male-dominated message board, and I hope people will not trash you for expressing yourself, but I'd advise that, in the future, you think twice or thrice about posting such a thread here because there perhaps will be a lot of outspoken flame posts against you.

I admire your honesty and openness, but if you knew the history of the board here a bit better you would know that threads like this usually get trashed to pieces.

Anyway, just my :2 cents: Cheers. :hatsoff:
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julian999 said:
I'm interested to see if anyone else feels this way and I think you're wrong to assume that noone would dare voice such sentiments (it's a free world, mate).

Experience on this board has shown me that my statement is correct. Experience in life has also, largely, shown me to be correct. Few bi-curious males ever express there tendencies in the open.

Your "free world" comment is bizzare. If you are talking about the board, then you will be hard pressed to find a member that believes that I am anti-free speech (within the rules of this privately owned board.)

The reason "dicks" and ejaculation are in porn is not as complex or homo as you posture. How can someone make a sexfilm without a male (part)? I can't recall seeing a staight porn movie where the camera focused solely on a dick for more than a second or two.
Nightfly said:
but your statement that you're completely heterosexual is just absurd to me upon reading your post.

I never made that statement. I didn't say I was "completely heterosexual", I said I was heterosexual (as opposed to being homosexual). I know that for a fact. But sure, there are grey areas between heterosexuality and homosexuality and maybe that's what this thread is about.

And don't worry about me. If someone wants to "flame" me for this, be my guest. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to discuss things. And to get my post count up so I can buy some nice hardcore galleries (preferrably with nice looking dicks in them to go with the pussies:D ).
I don't think the issue should be belabored or debated, really; julian999 likes to see cocks and balls in porn and he has thought about/considered giving another guy a blowjob - that pretty much "says it all," doesn't it?

julian999 said:
...I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to discuss things. And to get my post count up so I can buy some nice hardcore galleries (preferrably with nice looking dicks in them...

One more thing - post count is bullshit. Some people here with the highest post counts have never written anything more than a few links and maybe two sentences per post. It's about quality, not quantity, so don't spam the board to get a few galleries, please. We have enough problems with post count "enthusiasts" here as it is; please dont be one of them is my advice, but hey, whatever...

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Julian999. You're what's best described as bi-curious. You may like it, you may not when it comes to it. Just chomp on the sausage and see how it goes. As long as nobody is getting hurt then I dont see the problem if youre bi or or gay. If people want to flame you for it then thats sad.
BNF said:
Few bi-curious males ever express there tendencies in the open.

Do you really consider an internet forum where you are completely anonymous to be "the open"? I don't. I agree with you that most guys are reluctant to admit things like this in real life, though, that's a well known fact. The attitudes are more liberal in some countries than in others, though. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Italy a pretty strong macho culture?

I never intended to imply that you are anti-free speech. I don't think you are. I'm sorry if you got that impression.
Nightfly said:
I don't think the issue should be belabored or debated, really;

So why did you come back? :D

Thanks for the advice about not spamming the boards, but I've already been told that by a mod. My original intention was to make 100 spam posts just so I could get some galleries. I don't think anyone can be blamed for that. I've changed my mind though, since it's unfair to the forum members who take this board seriously (god bless them). The posts I've made in this thread are definitely not spam.
julian999 said:
....If someone wants to "flame" me for this, be my guest. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to discuss things. And to get my post count up so I can buy some nice hardcore galleries.....
none ,logically thought, member of this board will flame you only because you share your thoughts!
but you sure have lost the concept of this board!
if you're here to spam so you can get some galleries, then probably you'll get some neg rep,
and being banned!
if you're not here to make friends, then you sure wont make any!
share and enjoy others sharing!
Yay, two rep points! metaphorx, are you by chance the kind soul who bestowed these tokens of recognition upon me? Bless you, my brother.

(I'm really starting to enjoy this forum).


julian999 said:
Do you really consider an internet forum where you are completely anonymous to be "the open"? I don't. I agree with you that most guys are reluctant to admit things like this in real life, though, that's a well known fact. The attitudes are more liberal in some countries than in others, though. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Italy a pretty strong macho culture?

I never intended to imply that you are anti-free speech. I don't think you are. I'm sorry if you got that impression.

Considering you have already posted 50 posts in two days, that my "face" has appeared on this board 6500+ times, that Nightfly's has almost the same amount, that we do our best to keep 1 account per member, there is a degree of yourself attached to your account here. While post count often means nothing, it is stil a measure of what you do here. (links, spam, smilies, thoughts, whatever you post) So, if I were to admit something here, I am certain that dozens or more of the members would be shocked/surprised whatever based on what I said.

While you are new, your thoughts on the subject will help define you as long as you are on the board - whether or not anyone here knows your real face or where you live. (I've got all IPs) So, complete anonymity isn't really true.

Italy is not as much macho as old fashioned and staunchly Catholic. Macho italians exsist to a degree in the south, but the stereotype, imo, came back to Italy from the Ameri-Italos. (By and large, poor, uneducated southern peasants who left Italy and passed on their culture which became distorted after generations.) Again, Italy isn't the point of this thread, is it?

I think Nightfly made a point - what exactly is left to talk about? (I came back, because in a sense you called me out.) Oh, that others may like to see male appendages? We'll see what happens..
Discussion and dialogue of a sensible, respectful nature is/are always interesting, and also I don't want there to be terrible controversy on the board - that's why I "came back." :)

julian999 said:
So why did you come back? :D...
the reason that there is so much emphasis on the male genitalia, was well as the size of general guys in the biz, is because it's a phallic symbol. contrary to popular belief, a phallus is not a symbol that represents a penis, it's a symbol that represents power. being that men (and women too, not to discount them) carry such a signfigant sense of self relating to the genital area, it's no surprise that it's so often represented in other forms. I would assume that it's because it relates to child birth, which is the most direct way that power is transfered and a person continues this legacy. understanding where this mindset comes from and how it relates to contemporary functions, may help to explain your own condition. that's really up to you.
in addition, pornography, like most aspects of society, and this board, is largely geared toward and dominated by heterosexual males. it's no wonder that it would serve to boost male empowerment. for example, i'm sure most of us agree that a man having anal intercourse with a female would not be considered gay, whereas a man receiving anal stimulation from a woman would generally be questionable, in that nature. why the double standard? I think it's a deep rooted issues of power struggle. To the romans and the greeks there was no gay or straight, it didn't matter male or female, the roles of subserviant and dominators were based on who it was that was giving penetration and who was receiving it. Just something to think about.


Member, you member...
Well, I say to each his/her own.
There's plenty of what you like on the net.
Who knows, you may find a cockfighting site.
Good luck.
Jesus, jod, I about spit up my beer reading this post!!! ROFLMAO

"Cockfighting site..." :1orglaugh :D :rofl:

Rep for you when I can again. :thumbsup:

jod0565 said:
Well, I say to each his/her own.
There's plenty of what you like on the net.
Who knows, you may find a cockfighting site.
Good luck.


Retired Moderator
calpoon said:
the reason that there is so much emphasis on the male genitalia, was well as the size of general guys in the biz, is because it's a phallic symbol. contrary to popular belief, a phallus is not a symbol that represents a penis, it's a symbol that represents power. being that men (and women too, not to discount them) carry such a signfigant sense of self relating to the genital area, it's no surprise that it's so often represented in other forms. I would assume that it's because it relates to child birth, which is the most direct way that power is transfered and a person continues this legacy. understanding where this mindset comes from and how it relates to contemporary functions, may help to explain your own condition. that's really up to you.
in addition, pornography, like most aspects of society, and this board, is largely geared toward and dominated by heterosexual males. it's no wonder that it would serve to boost male empowerment. for example, i'm sure most of us agree that a man having anal intercourse with a female would not be considered gay, whereas a man receiving anal stimulation from a woman would generally be questionable, in that nature. why the double standard? I think it's a deep rooted issues of power struggle. To the romans and the greeks there was no gay or straight, it didn't matter male or female, the roles of subserviant and dominators were based on who it was that was giving penetration and who was receiving it. Just something to think about.

The more you know :thumbsup:


Since I think that I was alluded to:
I clearly did not suggest that he not post the thread. I wrote that he would be better served elsewhere. I stand by that. There (must be) are better forums for his topic where he will find a large sympathetic crowd.

I said "few", not none.

A "heterosexual board" as I said does not equate with anti-gay or neandrethal behavior, as I read your statement, fox. That's your conclusion. Mine is that few can advise him around here or are interested in the topic. The lack of flaming also has to do with an extremely well run board. ;)

You may be right about things changing on the board, but one post doesn't make it so. (How many? Who knows?)

The only thing that I can't get my head around is that Change = Open = Evolution.

I don't need to get shot in the chest to know that I won't like it.