Diarrhea Bukkake

I am affraid to click on the first link. Untill there are any other meanings of the word "diarrhea" besides the meaning that I know.

Will E Worm

I don't care for Bukkake.

Diarrhea Bukkake is sick and don't want. :nono:

I always though that "shit" scenes are made of chocolate. And I want to think like that in future, even if I am mistaken. Without checking the subject


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I always get sick when I see stuff like that...

My latest 'Urrrgh-Experience' was this: A movie that specialized in ejaculating in the open-held eyes of the women. Name was Red Eyes or something.

Watched one scene partially and had enough.
It's not my thing. A bukkake can be fine every now and again, but a Diarrhea Bukkake is taking things a bit to far for my liking.


I aint clickin that shit....
Nothing ceases to amaze me anymore...this shit [pun intended] makes Rob Black/Extreme Associates look tame by comparison.
Wholly Shit!

Alright Dino Velvet, I hate to use a pun here but as they say, "whoever smelt it, dealt it". This kind of stuff doesn't just land in your inbox, you gotta go searching for it? So how into scatology are you? Is this a fetish you've considered pursuing? We don't judge around here, go ahead, whatever floats your boat.

One thing's for sure though, there are some classic lines in that wikipedia description page:

A large bucket should also be kept handy in case one of the gang feels sick and needs to vomit (of course, he may always vomit over the woman should she agree to it!).
If I'm gonna puke, at least I'm getting shitfaced first!
A clear path should also be kept to the bathroom so that she can shower afterwards. Cleanliness is a very important part of DB.
That might be the most ironic statement of all time.
In the West, it may take a girl several attempts before she can readily accept a mouthful of steaming hot shit although once the taste is acquired it is difficult to live without.
For some reason I doubt that.
. It is good for the skin. Blotchy and acne-ridden skin is improved by a shit bath.
Yeah, it's also improved by laying off the crystal meth.
Hmmm....me neither!


Closed Account
God damn. I hope they regret it.

Finding out your daughter has sex on camera is one thing, finding out she gets pooed on by multiple partners on camera is a completely different story...