Deepak Chopra caused the earthquake?

I found out about him in that Robin Williams movie One Hour Photo.

His early stuff, from the wee bit I read, seemed inspirational and whatnot. Bumper sticker slogans in book form. Beyond that I always kind of found him to be full of himself. This article shows that big time. Next thing you know you will be seeing photos of him and Criss Angel hanging out in Las Vegas.
No shit.
He sold out ever so big time.
This is why I'm a Cynical Spiritualist.
some people get a grasp of a few fundamental truths about life and when it gets them what they want, they get drunk off of their own propaganda.
Its the pseudo notion that once someone gains enlightenment they have it for ever.
the whole purpose of meditation is to discipline your mind not try to move shit with it.
enlightenment is like an athletic ability - you have to keep working at it and the art of it never ends there is always something more to know.
I've described Zen Buddhism as the art of understanding, something that takes perpetual work, not memorizing a spell from Hogwarts.

if true he must be arrested & have his meditation organ surgically removed then slowly reintegrate him into society.

If true he's an idiot for opening his mouth about it.
Kids that are smarter than their teachers get put on ADD drugs
people who know what politicians and government officials are doing end up in oil drums in New Jersey.

If I could do what Deepac Chopra claims he can, I would be living in some backwater woodlands in a fortress of solitude with my 50 million dollar Lottery winnings.
If I opened mt mouth I would most likely end up in Area 51 with my brain filleted open on a steel tray.
I actually was thinking on a ride home tonight and I thought about this upon discussing it with someone. Deepak "douchiest name in history" Chapra was doing a meditation called, and I quote from the article:

"Was meditating on Shiva mantra..."

Shiva mantra. Being the Hindu goddess, Shiva, which is part of the Hindu cycle of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is "creator" and Vishnu is "preserver" and Shiva is the "death/destroyer"

Therefore, if this douchebag is meditating on a goddess of destruction and death, how can he 1: get peace? 2: expect a peaceful outcome?

So by his logic, or misguiding, no less, he is meditating on a god of destruction and death. What did he expect?

Something to think about.