66% of Americans want the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to end. That 66% is comprised of more than just Dems. It also includes Indies and Pubs. That 66% doesn't mean "the wars were wrong"...all it means is let's get the hell out of there and let "the world" monitor Iraq and let Iraqis build their nation. That is what it means.
So I have to agree with the 66%? Sorry but I don't. A Brit told me once tha the problem with Europe is they think 500 miles is a long way. The problem with America is they think 500 years is a long time. The president said it was going to be a long war and I think he is right. We could just retreat to fortress America and continue to let this group of bad guys take Poland but I don't choose to do so Mr Chamberlain. I am sick of my embassies and ships being blown up and I am not so interested in watching the Sears Tower fall in 10 years. That is what I believe will happen because this enemy does have patience.
All of the reasons for going to war in Iraq have proved false or were lies. Take your pick. I don't really care about Saddam. I'm glad he's gone today. Sure. But I'm not in favor of spending endless tax money to "rebuild" Iraq or police a Civil War.
If you say so. What do you want to spend tax money on? What if what you want to spend it on doesn't interest me either?
Your reasons for voting Repub in the fall are "keep the blinders on" reasons or "bury your head in the sand" reasons. They will not get any Repubs elected in November--on any level--Governor/Congress/Mayor.
I totally disagree. I think to vote for either Mr Obama or Ms Clinton would be vote for putting my head in the sand. You can do that if you want but the people that want to see you dead will still be trying to kill us. That is my belief.
The Dept of Homeland Security is a colossal bureaucratic nightmare. It must be "broken up" back to the pre-existing Gov't Orgs--Fema--Coast Guard--whatever other orgs which were "folded into" it. TSA might need to remain but it needs to be funded better.
I have to agree but I blame the president and congress for this. The only good thing about the whole deal is that the coasties are finally funded as they should be.
The Patriot Act is a mess. It needs to "go away."
I disagree with this also. Has it hurt some American that I am not aware of? If so I will change my tune. I don't think it is being used for any purpose other than fighting terror and as soon as I see a case where it isn't I will rally to the cause to kill it.
Bush's tax cuts worked for about 2 years...but the economy has evaporated, we're bleeding jobs and our currency is worth about as much as the peso was a decade ago. Bush is too "out of touch" to do anything and McCain has already admitted he's "not very strong on economics." That is a recipe for disaster.
I have never thought that government could do much for the economy other than tax less. That has always helped. Other than that, the market is a fickle mistress. People don't buy shit for a million reasons. As I said before though, I don't have anything wrong in my economics other than gas prices. I don't think I know anyone that is having a hard time either. What candidate is strong on economics though? Does anyone have a track record or is it all talk right now?
The price of oil/barrel will drop by 45% once we leave Iraq. It is not economically feasible to believe anymore that the economies of China and India are "raging" and keeping the price skyrocketing while the greatest consumer nation of Oil (the U.S.) is in deep recession....the basic economics don't "add up" anymore. There is a 45% "fear quotient" built into the price/barrel which will "go away" once we leave.
Why? I think this one is a reach. Show me anything that backs this up.
The Republicans are going to get slaughtered at the polls. Barry Goldwater was an Arizonian politician who suffered the greatest loss at the polls in the history of modern American politics. John McCain will be repeating this historical fact this November.
Well then so be it. I'm not sure what your point is although I think Goldwater carried 6 states and got 52 electoral votes. George McGovern carried 1 state (MA and not his home state) and got a whopping 17 electoral votes. I think Goldwater got about 1.5% more of the popular vote too but who's counting?
Hillary's chief strategist resigned today. Her campaign is in shambles. Obama will begin to focus on McCain and we'll all start seeing how poor a choice McCain really is.
I look forward to it. I still haven't heard any reason to vote for him. Last time I looked hope wasn't a plan and neither was change. Maybe he has some substance that he is saving up for the big fight but I haven't seen it yet.