fair and balanced is actually discussing the issues, not what fox news says. or the new York times, for that matter.
I don't really give a shit what is or what isn't "liberal" or "conservative."
everyone knows that I am highly critical of many policies of the US government and of Big Business. and some would call that a conservative POV, while others call it liberal.
one thing that I always say is that people should be held accountable for their actions. In the words that spiderman lives by: with great power comes great responsibility. Those who have great power and great responsibility have a lot to be held accountable for.
I can't agree with you more there!
I welcome debate, and my intention in discussing politics is to get to the heart of the issues. I think that most people on here are about that.
I don't just say "america sucks and if you disagree with me you are an idiot."
on the same hand, it's petty and stupid to say that everyone who is critical of america "hates america" or "supports terrorism."
true also
these knee jerk responses are used by people that are intentionally trying to manipulate debate for the sole purpose of stopping discourse. they are the real enemy, the one's that don't want you to think about things. And they aren't worried about lib or conserv either.
thanks for your message!