Dead Space 2!

Dead Space 2 Comes out January 25. its going to be so awesome! i played the demo and it is so much cooler then the first one. Improved Graphics, 10X as Scary. and better gameplay Controls.
i rented the 1st one and played it for a while (maybe 2 hours or so) i wasnt impressed but i WAS interested in the game. i am pondering getting the game again but i also have many games i havent played yet or havent finished.
mass effect 2,InFamous,dante's inferno (let my cousin borrow-still dont have it back) fallout new vegas (currently playing),medal of honor world at war,my mlb season on mlb 2010,nhl season on nhl11.
so it would just be like the games underlined that i havent played or finished


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
World At War is a very good game.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You're so gonna enjoy it.
i've never played world at war. whats it like?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
just how i like my games. The bloodier the better


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
So do I.
i just preordered Deadspace 2 at Hastings today. Yay!!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I ordered it 2 days ago.
nice! i can't wait its going to be a lot of fun!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I ordered the Collectors Edition.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I hate the things that spit heads....
I liked the first one a lot. The only part I had trouble with was planting the beacon on the meteor, and going out into the vacuum to clear out the area around it. I died too many times at that part to mention. I beat the game rather quickly, but all of that info is now gone because my hard-drive crashed. I now have a new hard-drive though. I may re-beat the game, but I probably won't because of the meteor part.

I have the Collector's Edition of Dead Space 2 pre-ordered and I will buy it when it comes out.
I loved the first game I can't wait to play this hopefully its multiplayer is somewhat fun too.