Re: Danielle FTV - Busty FTV Girl

Danielle FTV First Time Hardcore, Blowjob, Handjob and all stuff in one video. This one is really hot

Hey Danielle,

So first let me say the idea of waking up next to you each morning and having sex is pretty awesome, but I could not help but notice your art on the wall... Are you a fellow history buff? Is that the God Marduk from Babylon or the God Ashur from Assyria? They are somewhat the same person in a sense... but I thought that would be really cool if you also enjoy the "Gods" of ancient times. Although, that might not be a God on your wall since if he stood up he would be as tall as the people serving him and I cannot tell if he has Ram Horns on his head dress... NERD!!!

If so, do you read any of Zacheria Sitchen's books? Do you know about the 12th planet theory? The Nefilim/Annunaki??? That would be awesome!



Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Re: Danielle FTV - Busty FTV Girl

Indeed, nice boobs. But what is all the voting for? What honor is she up for?


Official Checked Star Member
Re: Danielle FTV - Busty FTV Girl

Hey Danielle,

So first let me say the idea of waking up next to you each morning and having sex is pretty awesome, but I could not help but notice your art on the wall... Are you a fellow history buff? Is that the God Marduk from Babylon or the God Ashur from Assyria? They are somewhat the same person in a sense... but I thought that would be really cool if you also enjoy the "Gods" of ancient times. Although, that might not be a God on your wall since if he stood up he would be as tall as the people serving him and I cannot tell if he has Ram Horns on his head dress... NERD!!!

If so, do you read any of Zacheria Sitchen's books? Do you know about the 12th planet theory? The Nefilim/Annunaki??? That would be awesome!


I haven't read any of Zacheria Sitchen's books...not sure if I've even heard of him before. I am a huge history buff. I love anything about ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and I love anything about England, Scottland, and the Renassaince. I read a lot of historical fiction books about the Tudor era. And yes, I do know a lot about Greek and Roman mythology (I've been into that since I was like 12 years old.)
Re: Danielle FTV - Busty FTV Girl


Great place to get it Danielle. Do You Mind it on your face? I doesn't seem like you do in the video, putting your face all over it, but some girls do.
When can we expect some more incredible hardcore from you?

p.s. I voted for you today
Re: Danielle FTV - Busty FTV Girl

I haven't read any of Zacheria Sitchen's books...not sure if I've even heard of him before. I am a huge history buff. I love anything about ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and I love anything about England, Scottland, and the Renassaince. I read a lot of historical fiction books about the Tudor era. And yes, I do know a lot about Greek and Roman mythology (I've been into that since I was like 12 years old.)

Well he is one of my favs!!! If you like Egypt then you will like him because he traces their connections to ancient Assyria, Babylon, and the origin; Sumeria. He goes into great detail about how advanced these "primitives" really were. For example, many of the attributes attached to the Egyptian God Ptah are earily similar to the Sumerian God Enki (which Sitchen makes the argument they are the same person). Also, the Sumerians talk about the pyramids in their texts and how they were built by Enki himself after the flood... how is that possible if the Egyptians built them 1000's of years later?

Other questions like how do the Sumerians know about Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, Who are the Nefilim from Genesis, The Creation of "The Adam" or as they called him "The Adamu" which means primitive worker... hey, that's us!!!

If I have peaked your interest I can recommend some great starter books... Sitchen's "The 12th Planet" is a great start and so is "Genesis Revisited." Also, youtube Sitchn, Nefilim, Annunaki, 12th Planet, etc. and I think you will find it very interesting!

As you can tell this is a passion of mine. If you're interested in more info I would love to give you some through a personal message to save space on this board... I am sure most of the people here don't really care about this stuff!
