I was not going to type anything more about this. But then I realized that this is fairly relevant to the thread. And certainly to the board in general.
I have known personally many women in the adult entertainment industry. Mostly exotic dancers and escorts. But I have known a few adult film actresses; though none of them famous.
Though a couple of them were gorgeous. I knew two that were feature exotic dancers that decided to make a lesbian porn film. And I thought they looked very convincing in it. I have watched a TON of lesbian porn. And this was one of the most convincing scenes I have ever seen. And others who saw the tape I spoke with thought so as well. It turns out when I talked to them about it, that at least one of them didn't like doing it.
And I have known many dancers/escorts that were extremely convincing at what they do. They looked totally into it. But when I talked to them about it (once they got to know me) they mostly said they didn't like it or even downright hated it. But they decided that this was the fastest way that they can make a shit load of money. And they were bright enough to realize that if they were going to do this, they might as well put everything into their performances. Because they knew if you half assed it that you would end up making less. Better to put everything into it, make a pile of cash quickly and then get out. Which is what the smarter or more together ones did.
Now as for you calling what's her name a liar. You did. You typed that even though she supposedly said that she did not like doing the scenes; you are saying that she did in fact, like doing it. Thusly you are calling her a liar.
And as for these actresses acting like they love it and doing interviews and saying they love it? Of course they do. Regular actors do the same. Every interview you watch regular actors do and they all say the same, 'I loved the director.' 'I loved working with everyone.' 'We were like a big family.' Blah, blah, blah. They have to say that. They realize they are not going to get hired for jobs as much if they make trouble or say they don't like doing it. The same with porn actresses. They have to say and act like they love it when they are in it.
They are actresses. They depend on producers and directors to hire them. And what producer is going to hire an actress that publicly states she does not love what she is doing? He/she would be an idiot if they did. Especially in the porn industry, where it's all about fantasy.
When you have one shred of factual proof that this woman you speak of is lying, I will be most interested in seeing it. Until then, all you have is your opinion.
And if it comes down to her opinion or yours - which one do you think I am going to believe? Especially now she is out of the business and no longer has to lie to get employment?