Will the economy get better? Yes it will eventually, but that isn't necessarily saying much. Better than now isn't that hard. Things cycle somewhat. Are we going to have the problems fixed or go back to the way things used to be in America at it's economic height? No, we aren't. We might never get to that point ever again, and at the rate we are going we won't.
There will be some things and some aspects America is never going to recover from. What most people don't realize is that through the last three or four decades we are sort of going through a paradigm shift, and not in a good way. Slowly the normal rules the economist thought would work for the economy are either no longer applying like the used to or didn't happen like they should have. In other parts we were either lied to or used to fuel the growth of the rich. So while we will eventually get "better" than now, at least for a time, the standard that we rise up to will continually get lower each time something like this happens, and more people will get screwed over by it than the last time. I hope most of the people get used to lowered expectations, and continually lowered expectations until we fundamentally change the way our economy and society function on a national and maybe worldwide level. While some people will recover, what needs to be understood is that there will be some that won't and they will just be added to the people that weren't able to recover from last time. Unfortunately, those that get screwed the most and won't be able to recover will be the poorest among us, and then it's going to start working it's way up and is going to get more people. In some ways the "recovery" will be worse than actually getting worse. Because at least if it keeps getting worse people will have to realize what's going on instead of getting fooled into thinking it's getting better, and will be forced to eventually do something about it.