I'm a big fan of Steve and am still trying to come to terms with the news. What a loss to the animal world and to humanity!
Here in Singapore, Croc Hunter Steve Irwin's regularly shown on Animal Planet. He definitely is world famous and well-loved by millions of people.
You know something, some of the most outstanding, world famous individuals have been "halted" or "cut down" whilst in their prime; Christopher Reeve (Superman, horse-riding accident), John Lennon & JFK (assasination), Elvis Presley (heart problem), Princess Diana (paparazzi car chase accident), etc.
I think maybe God is calling them back to Himself. Let's not forget that Jesus Himself died at 33.
In the Bible, God promises great and wonderful things in our afterlives. Perhaps He has prepared Steve to be on the other side, waiting for us. To have a chance of meeting up with Steve and the others in heaven (even in spirit form) certainly makes heaven sound a sweeter place.
Who knows?

God is a miraculous worker who will have the last laugh. He works in mysterious ways.
RIP, dearest Steve! You are a legend in every sense of the word and we will never forget you!
From: Singapore