Countdown to largest tax hike in history

Here's something interesting from the NYT...

News Analysis
Tax Cuts May Prove Better for Politicians Than for Economy

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office this year analyzed the short-term effects of 11 policy options and found that extending the tax cuts would be the least effective way to spur the economy and reduce unemployment. [:facepalm:] The report added that tax cuts for high earners would have the smallest “bang for the buck,” because wealthy Americans were more likely to save their money than spend it.

The office gave higher marks to the proposal, now embraced by President Obama, to allow small businesses to write off 100 percent of their investment costs.

Is it any real surprise that Conservatives would back a failed economic policy just so their rich corporate masters would be happy?

Let those onerous, economy-killing tax cuts end, Mr. Obama.
We're fucked either way, but I was just curious, is it possible to articulate policy/politics without introducing imaginary flack/boogeymen?

I am afraid it's not imaginary... Federal, state, local taxes and fees now add up for most people that work well over 50% of our income. Meanwhile, as of last year nearly half of all Americans paid nothing to the Feds. Rule by executive order has become common, bills rammed through Congress without concent of the people, and a judiciary who seems more interested in expanding government power than protecting the Constitutional limited on said power.

Imaginary? I wish it was my friend... :cool:


Re: Countdown to largest tax hike in history

It's called wealth redistribution plain and simple, the ambitious are forced to support the lazy and uncreative.
BTW . .How many of Obama's initial cabinet appointments were found to be tax cheaters . . some 9 that we know of? It's OK, after all they're democraps.
True of any administration.
By introducing political slurs only adds an unnecessary devisive tone and misrepresents actual debate

First, I wasn't bashing an "administration", I was talking about an 80+ year march towards a large, all power centralized government.

Second, how is anything I said a "slur"? Has PC programmed people so thoroughly that anything they don't like they call a "slur?" to cut off debate and thought? :dunno:
Nice Thread!! Here's My :2 cents: Worth! Think, Then Find The FACTS!! All I Hear Everyday, Dumb Dems, Dumb Reps, Dumb Gov't, Dumb Fox News, etc. STOP!! Do You REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN???? NOT JUST ARGUE???? Go To And Get The Tax Codes That Will AFFECT YOU And Read It! It's ALL ONLINE!!! Thats What Is Going To Happen. Then Make Up Your Own Mind How It Affects You, Or You & Your Family. Then You Can Blame Who You Want. I've Read It Over And Over, And I Keep Checking Back, Cause Maybe They Might Change It, Or Tweak It. But I've Allready Bought My Equiptment This Year, Cause I Can't Afford To Depreciate Down Everything. And It's Not That Hard To Read Ether. Grab A Cold One And Read The LAW!!!! Then Decide What's Right For You To Do, You Have Only 3 1/2 Months To Get Your Act Together. And It's Your Choice To Do it Or Not!!
The hight of irony and hypocrisy... left wingers called ANY tax cuts (especially the Bush era ones) bad, and not they say that they are good for the economy, just not for those "rich people." Karl Marx would be proud of the class warfare initiated with such retarded, irrational psuedo-logic. A poor man never gives people jobs and doesn't start companies. In fact, most economists agree that worry over the economy and what the government will do is making most "rich people" keep their money on the sidelines right now, hence hurting the economy. Obama and his advisors have shown repeatedly that they do NOT understand economics and have hurt the recovery with bad decisions and deficit spending that had minimal effect while adding to the ballooning national debt, the interest to service which is more than the entire defense budget BTW.

I am confused? Do Republicans care about the deficit or taxes? Reagan is a god, but he raised them and ran up the deficit. GHW Bush was thrown out of office when he raised them to balance the deficit. Clinton raised them to cut the deficit. W is still crap, but revisionist's love him when he lowered them, but raised the deficit. Obama lowered them and ran up the deficit.

Which is it?


Meh, it's the same old song and dance over and over again, the public and welfare sectors are going to argue in favor of a tax increase and the private / free enterprise sector is going to be opposed to a tax increase, it's really that simple.

I have a novel idea, you must give in order to receive, how about that? :clap:
Yea, everybody in the 30 - 55 age bracket must contribute no less than $8,000 per year in taxes or they A) lose the right to vote and B) lose their welfare status . . . got it?
You don't want to carry your own weight in this world? > no more freebies from the treasury.

Eat Alpo!! :shakesfist:

*Community organizing does NOT qualify as a form of employment
Rule by executive order has become common, bills rammed through Congress without concent of the people, and a judiciary who seems more interested in expanding government power than protecting the Constitutional limited on said power.

2 problems with this..

1. What has Obama specifically authored and then rammed through Congress? I'm still waiting for some of the things he campaigned on to become law. It's Congress that has actually fucked things up. I do remember The Patriot Act being rammed (and unread) by Congress back in the day.

2. SCOTUS is not interested in expanding Govt power. Why would they do that? THat would only limit SCOTUS's power. Nope. SCOTUS is interested in expanding corporate influence. :hatsoff:

How about if the Dems give the Loons their tax cuts, but the Dems cap private sector profits and simply take excess profits :yesyes: That way, we all get what we want? Corporations wouldn't hide profits because their stocks would tank. A win-win solution :hatsoff:


How about if the Dems give the Loons their tax cuts, but the Dems cap private sector profits and simply take excess profits :yesyes: That way, we all get what we want? Corporations wouldn't hide profits because their stocks would tank. A win-win solution :hatsoff:

It wouldn't be a private sector any longer if the greedy and wealthy democratik party apparatchiks capped incomes, futhermore there is just as much if not more evidence that politicians take hidden profits as much as the private sector. Ya gotta love it when politicians spend multiple millions of dollars of their own money in order to retain a job that pays $200k a year, do you not see it?
Politicians are the most loathsome liars cheats and thieves the world has known, for why do you celebrate and follow them around them like you do? they're only gonna shaft you in your old age if you continue depending on them.

Sheesh, talk about having all of your eggs in one basket.
Keep it in perspective people before you go all Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity about the whole thing (that is, overreacting, distorting, and flat-out lying):