It is possible, but on the bright side we will not even know. All life would end it a split second. I can't think of a better way to go than peacefully and with everyone else :1orglaugh
It is possible, but on the bright side we will not even know. All life would end it a split second. I can't think of a better way to go than peacefully and with everyone else :1orglaugh
It is possible, but on the bright side we will not even know. All life would end it a split second. I can't think of a better way to go than peacefully and with everyone else :1orglaugh
I hope I die while I'm taking a shit. Like, riiiiiight after I snip it and it hits the water, that's when I want the universe to implode on itself. Yeah, that's how I want to go.
there is no way this tinker toy of a machine can cause an even such as a black hole, we may be about to wipe ourselves out with nukes but we are a great distance from being able to drastically space and time.... wishful thinking on the part of the stupid
Before the first atomic bomb was tested in 1945 (the trinity test), there was some concern amongst some of the scientists that the explosion would ignite the atmosphere and incinerate the planet.
Before the first atomic bomb was tested in 1945 (the trinity test), there was some concern amongst some of the scientists that the explosion would ignite the atmosphere and incinerate the planet.
I can understand what some people are thinking considering the gross exaggeration by The Sun and other tabloid splinters. Nothing but foolish, alarmist tripe. If these haters had any interest in understanding the matter and not simply, and foolishly focusing on their frustration and fear they would do some minor research into particle physics and the LHC. The machine doesn't go to full capacity until October. The particle beam being circulated on the 10th of this month is a mere "warm up" to the big event and official unveiling in October. I can't wait.
They should aim the LHC at them and threaten to shoot a mini black hole up their arse.
Anybody that doesn't completely understand particle physics, relativity, dark matter, dark energy, and the behavior of strangelets is a silly twat I always sez.
My little sister agrees. (she's 4)