Cricket is nowhere near a sport for the Americans. No offence, but Americans don't strike me as patient enough to sit and watch a single match that lasts for 5 days.
Don't get me wrong, they have the patience for 4-5 hours for a Football game (although we call it rugby without pads in UK) -
surely trade descriptions applies to that sport; they hardly touch the ball with their feet 
- but for 5 full days of watching a guy chuck a
Cricket ball at three sticks is hardly rivetting enough to keep the attention of most of us British, let alone a society built on in-yer-face, hard, fast, action, now, when?....,
I like Americans; they gave us Scrubs, NCIS and most of the films in my DVD collection. They give us a laugh when they play Soccer (not because they're bad, but because we do not expect them the be any good, when in fact they actually are), they gave us NHL and
Bill Hicks. So in my book, they are brill, but I don't see them taking on
Cricket in any form...and as I know little about sport, this means they'll be kicking our asses at
Cricket in no time :rofl: