You live in a false reality 'cause you automatically believe anything you read/her from medias or governments are lies.
Then what is. Do I have to bring the corpse of a sandy hook shooting victim to make you admit it was real ?
Yes it has impacted education. It's still does. Yes we can get kids to learn throught internet. But school isn't only about academics, about maths, science, history, english, etc. It's also about living with other people, living under certain rules, different from rules you have at home.
The death rate is about 3-5% actually. But the reason countries are in lockdown is to prevent hospitals to be overwhelmed. To prevent doctors from having to choose who will be saved and who are they gonna let die.
Don't worry, I haven't lost my ability to think by myself. I know my government lied to us on that issue, on several occasions I know what they told us that was wrong and I have an clear idea about why they said so.
But I also think YOU lost that ability. Whenever the government or ther medias says something you automatically assume it's a lie and try to find facts to prove you right. That not how things work. If you want to make sur an hypothesis of yours is right, you gotta try to prove it wrong. And once you think it passed all the tests you came up with to try to prove it wrong, then you can start thinking you are right, then you can star thinking your hypothesis is right. Because if you instead look for facts that would prove it wrong, you'll fall for what is called a confirmation bias.
Ok, look I don't come here to argue. That being said........
You just said, "
You live in a false reality 'cause you automatically believe anything you read/her from medias or governments are lies.".
Then you go on to say "
I know my government lied to us on that issue". And the media did too correct?
I know you know the media lies all the time, I've seen you say it in your posts.
And I don't "automatically" don't believe everything they say. I'm sure there is some truth mixed into the lies sometimes.
So we both agree the media lies.
See, I'm a lot like Socrates. I'm always asking "Why?".
Why do they lie all the time? Think it through Johan. Why?
Well 1st, theyy usually just repeat whatever the Governments say without any level of questioning it.
So why do they lie all the time? Lets brainstorm shall we?
Is it for money? To make more money?
I don't think so, they are going to make money whether they lie or not.
So what else could it be? I can't think of anything. Hmmm, why to people lie?
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They lie to DECIEVE !!!!!!!!!
Ok, now lets ask why people decieve others? Well some do it just for fun.
But usually people decieve in order to gain something. People decieve others in order to obtain or gain something. Something they can not get by telling the truth. So they lie in order to get it.
But why doesn't the media just tell the truth instead of always promoting what the governments say? I think thats obvious. They are working together in the lying. And that sir is the true definition of a conspiracy.
No sir, I don't just automatically believe EVERYTHING they say is a lie, but over time most semi intelligent people get a pretty good feel of when they afe lying, which we both know it more often than not.
And really, why should any of us even bother having to figure out what is true or not?
You said, "The death rate is about 3-5% actually. But the reason countries are in lockdown is to prevent hospitals to be overwhelmed. To prevent doctors from having to choose who will be saved and who are they gonna let die."
Here you are again repeating what the news told you. The news who you know lies all the time.
How can you simply repeat what they said with a clear conscience? And you do it all the time.
Now lets ask why ALL the major "news" sites, shows, papers, all seem to repeat each other daily word for word.
Why? Well lets brainstorm. I GOT IT!!!!!!
All the information they get then repeat must be coming from the same source. Rueters and the Assosiated Press.
Well thats not journalism. Thats just repeating stuff. So it comes from one source who repeats it and then others repeat it and that makes it automatic FACT.
In conclusion, you bring up Sandy Hook again. You accuse me of being crazy or bad for openly saying it was fake.
In all these mass killings I have posted hundreds and hundreds of things from the MSM that indicate fakery. Not once has anybody debunked any of it. I can show you dozens of peices of evidence showing that Sandy Hook was a complete fraud. I have done so in its thread many times already. I've asked so many times for anybody here to prove me wrong.
But let me try a different approach. Why don't you or anyone else show me one thing that proves it was real? Just one thing.
In conclusion. We know the government and media work in unison to spread lies to THE PEOPLE everyday.
We know they must have a motive and agenda in doing so. Beyond that I don't think there is anything to debate over.