I'm very shook up right now because I just read this. Please read
I'm just gonna copy and paste what I just wrote somewhere else because I'm mentally worn out right now. Here it is.
Well here it is just lke I have been saying. "reopening can only happen (meaning you can go back to work or school and who knows what else) If- Here is the quote from the Governor "Testing, testing, testing: Murphy says no reopening can happen without a "robust" testing program. The governor said New Jersey is fourth in the nation in testing, but he told PIX11 during a Friday interview that "we're not nearly where we need to be, and it needs to be a rapid turnaround." He expressed hope that New Jersey can reach that point now that Rutgers University has new technology that can test as many as tens of thousands of saliva samples in one day for coronavirus" and " If testing can be ramped up, Murphy told PIX11, New Jersey can work more quickly to identify "hot spots" and quarantine and treat people who test positive. He told the Record that New Jersey is interested in Massachusetts' contact tracing program, which is "low-tech" and basically involves "hiring 1,000 people at $20 an hour and they're going to work the phones." .........Sorry but if I or my son have no symptoms I am not letting the Government test us. And they'll test you repeatedly. I don't need them to say one of us has it when we don't and seperate us and quarantine us who the hell knows where. I will not put my family at that risk and I hope anybody who's reading this won't either. They are lying to us about the numbers is obvious. I do not trust them. This is exactly what I said they were going to do. If you want money, if you want a roof over your head, if you want to eat youre gonna have to do what they say and submit to routine testing. The only way we are going to through this is if the majority of citizens refuses to comply. If we do not stand together and we allow this we are finished. Our lives, our childrens lives, their childrens lives all depend on what WE do now. If you aren't sick, if your children are not sick, do not let them test you.
"Quarantine and treat people who test positive". Do you know what that means? It means if they say you or your children have tested positive in one of the 10's of Thousands of tests they plan on doing EVERYDAY they are going to take your family member or you AWAY and isolate them, probably in some shithole ward. You won't be able to go near them at best and
You Might not even know where the hell they are. Do you really want to risk that? For a flu that in their own words most people only have mild symptoms? A death rate officially of 3.4% and we know that in many of the deaths labeled as corona the person died from something else so the actual death rate of otherwise healthy people is extremely low. Tell me is it worth the risk? Do not comply to routine testing please, no matter what.