Well if there is, the camera-dipwad should get the same penalties as the person who committed the assault. Party to a criminal act. Endorsement of an assault.
It sounds harsh, but these kinds of people need to be take out... period. Violent criminals who seek to assault others for not reason other than their own amusement do not deserve to live in our society, and it's a trend that's on the rise, even glorified these days and it's disturbing. :2 cents:
They're nothing but trash. Probably never graduated from grade school. Probably career criminals. Nothing to contribute to society. I say put them in prison and at least society can get something out of them. It looks like loitering is their legitimate passion in life. Now we are all stuck with them. Too bad their fathers didn't even have enough of an I.Q. to know how to use a rubber. I guess they are that borderline retarded like their fathers that we need to put directions on condom packages.