cool harmless ways to piss people off (rep for funny)

I used to mail farts to my roomate. Fart in an envelope, close it up super fast, then say, "Here's your mail." Nailed him at least once a month with a foul stinker. I kinda moved him in the house because he was known for falling for every prank. A monkey that paid 1/3 of the rent or got a banana pushed up the wrong way.

I've also farted in jars and presented it as a gift.
rub grease on a doorknob you know someone is about to grab...and hide and watch. where i worked we did that with hand trucks...actually it works on anything you know will be grabbed quick
DONT DO THIS! REPEAT DONT DO THIS! i went to work early one morning and we was standing around talking about what we wished we had as a child. one guy said he wished he would have had a battery drill. i was like huh? he said they used a hand crank as a child to drill holes in headlights. i am still looking like huh? he said he would drill a small hole in a headlight (taking forever with a hand crank drill) and fill it with acetylene gas and plug with what i dont remember. can you imagine when they turned the headlights on??? i bet it looked like a cannon in each headlight. i shook my head and walked off...amazed he never killed anyone. blowing up glass just looked to dangerous to me
This poor black kid at Ralph's one time was backing up and didn't see me. I said, "Devon! Watch the table!" He turned around with a WTF look but his feet got criss-crossed and he fell with the table and merchandise on top of him. Told my buddy next to me, "Sprinkle a little crack on him and let's get the heck outta here."
Next time your in the mall or at a store with female mannequins feel one up in front of your girlfriend, I took it to the next level and stuck my hand down her panties and kissed it :D Boy was the sex good that night!


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Poker night at my house. A small friendly get drunk and eat game for quarters. We set this guy up dealing him pocket aces from the bottom of the deck on the big blind. A simple distraction to him sets it up. Everyone is watching his reaction as he reads his hand. We fold all around and he doesn't get to play his big hand. Did it a second, third, and by the 4th time in a row. We couldn't hold our laughter by that time at his building frustration.
i dont know where that was at..but here they may not wind up could get arrested while your girl wonders WTF and watches you go to the nut ward.....some little fat old woman sees you and rats lol (what happened mam ? i dont know i was just stand there next thing i knew he was raping a dummy????)
Best way to piss people off: Over use "...", never use correct punctuation, never capitalise, and make every one of your posts a run on sentence that really doesn't mean anything. It works every time.
Best way to piss people off: Over use "...", never use correct punctuation, never capitalise, and make every one of your posts a run on sentence that really doesn't mean anything. It works every time.

you are right...i keep this guy pissed off all year over on the football thread with this..........:crybaby:
you are right...i keep this guy pissed off all year over on the football thread with this..........:crybaby:

And you look nothing but clever when you do it. It's an easy fix, though. I don't read a thing you write in the football thread. Having read your crap in the past has demonstrated you never have anything intelligent to say, anyway, so it's not a loss.

o yes you may not like the way it looks...but you read it. i have made a believer out of you the last 3 years. i may not be a english teacher but i already forgot more about football than you will ever learn . is that the problem? your 3 dollar words just want make you smart? hang in there...its called growing pains.
You've been here since 2003 and still don't know how to properly post a youtube vid?

i posted like i wanted. but as i look i see you havent been here long enough to worry about it. i got my point across. is posting on a message board your intelligent meter? i just visit here..i dont troll here like some