My Penis Is Dancing!
Keep the Department of Education, get rid of the disaster known as No Child Left Behind.
As for a private school, what other options do I have if I don't want my children taught by a church? And, I don't think people realize how expensive putting their kids to school via that route would actually be.
And home schooling? Don't think so. Sure, it is the parents' rights...but I have found that home schooled kids are the most socially awkward of adults who rarely properly cope to interacting with others, especially in situations that do not go their way.
Of course "lefties" don't want to get rid of whites. Totally ridiculous.
However, breeding a "white people should be scared!" mindset such as this should by all means be breed out to extinction.
As for a private school, what other options do I have if I don't want my children taught by a church? And, I don't think people realize how expensive putting their kids to school via that route would actually be.
And home schooling? Don't think so. Sure, it is the parents' rights...but I have found that home schooled kids are the most socially awkward of adults who rarely properly cope to interacting with others, especially in situations that do not go their way.
In the minds of these leftys is the notion that White people must be bred out to extinction. That Western Civilization is intrinsically evil and oppresive of other races. These lefties are actually White supremecists because they themselves are saying whites are superior and they must pay for it by way of genocide. That other races cannot compete with whites on a level playing field so minorities must be given preferencial treatment with policies such as affirmative action and the like. Also, that a White country, civilization and culture is inherently evil if it remains the same racially as it has remained for thousands of years. That a white country must be flooded with non whites and if the people of the country have anything to say about they are labeled an evil racist. That the tax dollars of white people have to pay for their immigrant replacements. Its a sick and twisted world today
Of course "lefties" don't want to get rid of whites. Totally ridiculous.
However, breeding a "white people should be scared!" mindset such as this should by all means be breed out to extinction.